Pictures, Café Latte, and Phones

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Hakuna matata.

Que sera sera. At least, I hope it have had not.

C’est la vie.

Oh, stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, Carrie.


That was… a frighteningly powerful, twisting wind of sensations.

I didn’t honestly, SERIOUSLY thought that the girl... the girl was… her.

I squinted and scrutinized the photo for the twentieth time. My eyes could not help bulging at the confirmation my phone gave me.

The “camera girl” was Kate. Kate Pink- Thingy- From- Somewhere- In- Europe Wilson. Yeah, that Kate.

I guess I’d better drop on the floor and get into a coma.

Right here, right now, right here in this lobby, because the right time is now.

I was genuinely surprised. But what can I say?

They’re both something.

He’s the quarterback and vice- captain of the football team.  She’s one of the top cheerleaders; placing third to Lisa McKinley’s being second and my best friend, Ally Anderson, bearing first and the crowning glory of RA.

He’s rich, popular, tall, dark- haired, and handsome—oh yeah; even a big sistah has had to admit that truth. She’s the daughter of a politician, prominent, tall, has very princess-y golden locks of hair and electric blue eyes that every other girl in RA envies, and oh yeah, pretty.

If they were to be matched by someone stereotypical, huh, it would be so damn perfect. They would be certainly the Prince and Princess of this academy. Ugh, blasted high school social hierarchy.

If you would ask ME why I CARE so much about THEIR relationship, it is because I have a LOT of inquiry to ask.

WHY would Kate DATE my brother?

Aside from the given detailed description above, what could be her reasons?

I could only think of three Ps: pounding, power, and popularity.

Whatever that means, well, I don’t know what to make out of.

Maybe it’s because I’m being paranoid?

No, there’s just something I find peculiar about it.

If my “pizzazz” team section hasn’t captured and put it in our school journal, the RA Gazette, by tomorrow, they’re lucky. And as the sister of the one of them involved, I may have to protect my brother’s relationship and give him some sort of privacy.

That will do, until I figure out what is Kate’s motive.

Don’t blame me; I don’t dislike cheerleaders here in RA. It’s just that I couldn’t quite place where Kate’s feelings lay.

I remember, just today at lunch when she was crushing in on Tadashi. That sort. And then screaming with all that yeah the next second she spotted Michael Ranford.

But this is my brother’s relationship. I’ll leave them alone.

I’d contemplate asking James, but that would have been too obvious.

So… I think I better give it a chance.

The only thing is Prince James’ vow of silence regarding his rapport with Princess Kate.

Maybe boys are like that.

I read somewhere in the books or internet that guys prefer to “hide” their liaison only and until if they feel it is official. Or, if both sides have admitted their commitment in some words and deeds.

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