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Um... hello.This is my first story here in wattpad, and I genuinely hope that you'll like it. It was originally posted in mibba; but I wanted to share it with you ace people in wp. To clear some of the cobwebs somehow cluttered in a myriad of people's cupboards, this story is, by all respectful means, mine. The plot, characters, and events may have had coincided with real events and people. These are all used fictitiously, and are imagined by an innovative teenager. Some of it may appear autobiographical to you, and indeed it is. But some are just... well, untrue and may even be surreal. Remember, though that it was hard for someone like me to share this piece of a thousand pieces in my life with you. I hope you consider this notice above things among other things. 

Thank you very much for taking your most valuable time to read this. 

Now... if you would please pursue reading with an open heart. :) 

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