Abused (Taehyung)

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(This was requested by @ThiaSlate910)

  It had been a month since you and Taehyung had gotten married. Recently, Taehyung had started to ignore you. You had no idea why but didn't pry, fearing that you would anger him and make it worse. He had been so sweet before and now he was rude and cold towards you.

  That night, when he returned home from the studio, he seemed very upset about something. 

  "Hey, honey. How was work?" You asked, standing up off the couch to approach him. Out of no where, Taehyung's hand collided with your face. The force of the blow caused you to fall to the ground. 

  "Jesus Christ, (y/n)! Shut the fuck up! You annoy the ever living shit out of me! What do I have to do to get you to stop talking?!" He screamed, grabbing you by your shirt collar and pinning you against the wall. 

  Now you were terrified. Taehyung's arm drew back again, getting ready for another punch when you screamed.

  "PLEASE STOP!! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU SAY! JUST DON'T HURT ME!" You cried, shielding your face. He dropped his arm and looked at you angrily.

  "You signed a contract when you married me. I own you and your body. You don't tell me, what to do." He growled lowly, gripping your hips tightly. So hard, that you knew you were gonna bruise later.

  You didn't know why but his abusive manner was turning you on slightly. You knew you should be scared but you couldn't help feeling attracted to this new side of your husband. Taehyung noticed and gave you a evil smirk.

  "You like being beaten, don't you?" He said, wrapping a firm hand around your throat. You couldn't breath but the fear of asphyxiation turned you on even more. You nodded and Taehyung dragged you into the bedroom you shared with him. He threw you onto the bed and ripped off his shirt and jeans. 

  "I'm gonna wreck you. This is what you get for being an annoying little shit. You get wrecked." Taehyung hissed as his erection rubbed against your thigh as he climbed on top of you. He scared you still but you were excited to be used. 

  He tore your shirt from your body and removed your black, lace bralette, throwing it on the floor along with your pants and underwear. 

  "You are so wet for me." Tae smirked, running a finger through your folds. You squirmed against the hand that sat on your abdomen, holding you down from bucking your hips. 

  "Remember the contract, babe. I own you. You do what I say or I'm gonna hurt you. I say, stop fucking moving!" He screamed, slapping your face again. You couldn't say anything to stop him. He controlled you and that was that.

  Suddenly, there was a loud noise from downstairs. You both could hear footsteps and were shocked to see the police barge into your bedroom. You grabbed a blanket to cover yourself. 

  "Let go of her, Kim!" One of the officers shouted, pointing a gun at Taehyung. He crawled off the bed and held up his hands. He glared at you with the most evil look he could muster. 

  "We received a noise complaint from one of your neighbors. They said they heard yelling. Now we know why. You're under arrest for domestic abuse." The officer said, cuffing Taehyung and leading him outside. A female officer tried to hold you still to check for marks but you ran after the officer holding your husband.

  "Stop!! Leave him alone!!!" You screamed, wrapping a robe around yourself as you ran after them.

  "Get back in the fucking house, (y/n)! You've done enough!" Taehyung screamed at you before they shoved him the cop care, driving away from the house and from you.

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