Chapter 21

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I walked in the door carrying Ellie in her car seat. Something didn't seem right to me. I walked out and saw someone sneaking around in our house. There is a burglar in our house! I got back in the car and drove a few miles away. Once I had the opportunity to, I immediately called Philip.

P: Hello
R: Philip, I'm freaking out!
P: Why are you freaking out?
R: I went to the house and someone broke into our house
P: Just calm down! Where are you now?
R: I'm sitting in a parking lot now.
P: Just come to the studio. We can talk in my office. How far away are you?
R: Less than a mile.
P: I will meet you at the parking lot.
R: Ok. Bye.
P: Bye.

The whole time I was on the phone I was panicking and on the verge of crying. I had to take a few minutes to take some deep breaths before I could even start driving.

I immediately called Jordan's school to tell him to not get on the bus. It was only 1:00 pm, so I did what Philip said. I drove to the studio and met him there.

I got out of the car and Philip immediately pulled me in for a hug.

Philip asked, "How are you holding up?"

I said, "I'm still an emotional wreck."

I turned the car off and got Ellie out of the car and her diaper bag. Philip grabbed my hand. It was a sense of security for me.

When we got to Philip's office, I put the car seat and diaper bag down.

Philip rolled his seat out and I sat on his lap. We put our arms around each other.

Philip asked, "So, what exactly happened when you got home?"

I said, "I was walking in the door with Ellie in her car seat and something didn't seem right. I was getting the wrong vibe. I heard a noise and knew that it was a person. And then I saw a body, so I rushed out of the house and drove away."

He said, "Well, I'm glad that you got out before the burglar or burglars saw you. So, do you know when we can go home?"

I said, "The police department said that they would call me when it is clear and they would wait there until one of us got home."

I sat on the couch in his office and was doing work, while taking care of Ellie. I looked at the clock on my laptop and it was already 2:30 pm.

I said, "Hun, I have to leave to pick up Jordan from school."

Philip got up from his seat, pulled me in for a hug and said, "Ok. Bye. I love you!"

I said, "I love you too", and then we kissed.

I asked, "Can I leave Ellie here with you? It will take me longer to get her car seat in my car."

He said, "I guess."

I said, "Thank you!"

I walked out to my car and drove to Jordan's school.

I waited for about 10 minutes and he got in the car.

Jordan said, "Hi mom!"

I said, "Hey bud!"

Jordan immediately asked, "So, why did you pick me up?"

I started freaking out. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to scare him about the fact that burglars were in our home.

I said, "Dad wants us at the studio."

I probably shouldn't of lied to him, but I didn't know what to do.

We arrived back at the studio and we walked back into Philip's office. I saw that he was holding Ellie.

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