Chapter 15

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Baby McGraw's due date was 5 days ago. I became very hopeless that she was ever going to come. Jordan already got on the bus for school. I walked into the kitchen to get me something for breakfast. I sat down at the table and Philip came downstairs.

He came over to me and said, "Good morning!"

I said, "Good morning", and then we kissed.

He asked, "Any sign of labor yet?"

I said, "Not a single sign."

He said, "I'm going to head to work."

I got up from my chair and walked towards him. He pulled me in for a hug.

I said, "Don't forget that we have an interview at the studio at 1:00pm."

He said, "I won't."

I said, "Bye! I love you!"

He said, "I love you too", and then we shared a kiss.

I said, "Have a good day! I will see you later."

He said, "Bye", and headed to the garage.

I walked upstairs on my way to the bedroom. I started to pass the nursery, when I stopped and turned around. I went in there and saw the room. The room that would soon be occupied by the child growing inside of me. I started to rub my baby bump and then I walked out and continued to our bedroom. I got ready for the interview that would happen later today.

A few hours later, I started to make myself something for lunch. I grabbed a salad mix out and decided to make a salad.

After I ate lunch, I grabbed my purse, keys, and phone and headed out the door. I drove to the studio to meet up with Philip for the interview we had today.

Once I got to the studio, Philip met me at my car. I opened the door and he was standing there.

I stood up and he said, "Hey!"

I said, "Hi", and then we kissed.

He grabbed my hand and we walked up to where the stage was.

When I walked out to the stage where the interview was, it looked different.

I said to Philip, "Shocking that you don't have the 10 foot tall chairs."

He said, "Just for you."

I said, "Thank you", and we shared another kiss.

We did the interview and it went really well.

After the interview Philip asked, "Anything with Baby McGraw yet?"

I said, "I haven't felt anything."

We walked off the stage and walked outside.

I said, "I better get home before Jordan does."

He said, "Bye! I love you! I will see you when I get home."

I said, "I love you too! Bye", and then we kissed.

I got home and started to make Jordan an afternoon snack.

Jordan walked in and said, "Mom, I'm home. Where are you?"

I said, "I'm in the kitchen."

He walked in the kitchen and said, "Hey mom."

I said, "Hey bud! How was school?"

He said what every boy says.

He said, "It was school."

I said, "Haha. You are so funny!"

He asked, "When is the baby going to get here?"

I said, "I don't know Jordan. The baby will get here when she wants to. I am so done with being pregnant though."

Jordan said, "I am ready for the baby to be here to see what the whole fuss is about."

I said, "Jordan! Are you saying that you don't want to hold your baby sister, cuddle with her, change her diapers or feed her?"

He said, "I'm not really into changing diapers."

I said, "Your dad wasn't either with you or Jay."

Jordan just laughed at what I said.

I asked, "Do you have any homework?"

He said, "Yep."

I said, "Go start on it in case you end up going to your Grandma Anne's and Grandpa Joe's house."

He asked, "Why would I end up going to their house?"

I said, "When I go into labor you are going to."

He went upstairs to his room.

A couple of hours later, I started cooking dinner. I didn't hear Philip walk in.

He came in the kitchen and said, "Hey babe!"

I said, "Hey honey", and then we kissed.

He bent down to kiss my stomach.

He asked, "Still nothing?"

I said, "Nothing yet. If something doesn't happen overnight, then I have to call the doctor in the morning. I already know that this baby isn't going to want to come out any time soon though, so I will be calling the doctor."

He said, "Miracles can happen."

I just laughed.

Philip, Jordan, and I sat down and ate dinner together. We all just started talking about how our days went and of course about how long until we will meet our baby girl.

After dinner, I started to not feel well.

I said, "Honey, I'm going to go upstairs. I'm not feeling too great. I will come back down to do the dishes."

As I got up from my seat Philip said, "I will do the dishes. You just go lay in bed."

I walked upstairs and into our bedroom to lay down.

At 11:30pm, Philip got in bed and asked, "Are you feeling any better?"

I said, "A little, but not that much."

He said, "Hopefully you feel better in the morning."

I said, "I hope so to."

He said, "Good night! I love you!"

I said, "I love you too", and then we kissed.

It was 5:15 am. I knew that I wasn't getting much sleep tonight. I got up and walked into the bathroom and stood there pacing. I had my phone in my hand timing some pain I have been having. I had pain coming every 12 minutes.

I thought to myself, "Oh my goodness. I might be in labor."


I hope you guys are enjoying this story! Don't forget to comment, vote and follow!

xoxo, life_girl01

Answer the question in the comments:

Do you think that Robin is in labor or not?

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