Right here, Right Now

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Earth 38, Kara POV

"Barry?" I ask surprised
"I think I've waited long enough." He says holding a rose

I look around to see blue and red lights shining everywhere, and some candles and a table with a box on it

"Dance?" Barry offers

I grab his hand as he plays a song

"Can't say how the days will unfold. Can't change what the future may hold. But I want you in it, every hour, every minute." Barry starts singing

All I can do is smile and tear up. I can barely dance and when he finishes, he kisses me.

"Barry..." I whisper

He bends over on to one knee and grabs the box

"Kara Zor-El. Will you marry me?" Barry asks

Before I can respond, a man in yellow comes in and stabs him. And runs away

"BARRY!" I say panicking

Suddenly everything flashes white and I wake up to see myself looking up at a wall and Mon-El lying next to me

"Hey babe." He says turning over looking at my eyes
"W-where's Barry..." I get up in shock
"Barry? Who's Barry?" Mon-El asks
"Mommy!" A baby yells
"Huh? What?" I ask myself
"Kara you ok?" Mon-El asks
"I-I'm fine." I answer
"Come on get up, you're gonna be late." Mon-El says

Kara gets up and changes fast and heads outside

"Bye!" I yell
"What the Rao is happening." I say to myself
"Hi love." Lena says
"Lena! Hey." I say
"How have you been?" She asks
"G-great. Have you seen Barry?"
"Who's Barry?" She asks
"Of course she doesn't know." I say in my head
"Nevermind, I'll be off now, bye." I say running
"Bye?" She says

I pull up my phone and call Alex

"Hello?" I hear
"Hey, Alex." I say
"Oh hey Kara. What's up?" Alex asks
"Do you know where Barry has been?" Kara answers
"Who's Barry?" Alex questions
"Great..." I say in my thoughts
"No one nevermind, I just want to say I'm not going to be able to be supergirl for today-" Kara gets cut off
"Why would you need to be Supergirl? All threats have been neutralized and peace has been raining for 5 years." Alex says
"Huh. Ok." I say hanging up

I head back to my apartment

"Back so soon?" Mon-El asks
"Y-yea. Just decided to take a break day." I respond
"Aw. For me?" Mon-El asks leaning in for a kiss

I stand in shock as he closes his eyes and kisses me as I open my eyes in shock

"I'm not feeling well." Kara says
"I'm gonna go to bed." Kara continues
"Ok?" Mon-El questions
"Ugh what's happening." I say lying down

Earth 38, Real Earth 38, Kara POV

"Ok. That was weird." Kara says waking up
"Good to know that was a dream." I continue

I shower and change but decide not head out and stay in all day

"Why am I like this." Kara asks herself

The door opens and I open it and Barry is standing out there

"Hey." Barry says
"Hey." Kara answers

There's an awkward silence as Barry steps in

"Are we ok?" Barry asks eventually
"I hope so, why?" I ask
"Well, you seem mad at me and-" Barry gets cut off as I pull him into a kiss
"Shh. We're fine I promise." Kara says hugging him
"You do that a lot." Barry points out
"It's my thing." I respond
"Which is why, I came to do this." Barry says getting on one knee
"Am I still in a dream." I ask myself in shock

Kara pinches herself to be sure and realizes it's real.

"Kara Zor-El, will you make me the happiest speedster alive, and marry me?" Barry asks
"Yes yes yes!" I say with no hesitation
"Finally." I say in relief as I pull him into a kiss

Barry laughs as Kara attacks him with multiple kisses and he ends it off with one long one

"Hey Ka- Oh..." Alex says shielding her and maggie's eyes
"H-hey." Kara says getting up
"You can open your eyes now." Barry says

They open their eyes and sigh in relief

"What are you guys doing here?" Kara asks
"Just came to check up on you. Wish we didn't." Maggie says
"Well glad you did, because Barry just proposed to me." Kara says gleefully
"Damn I missed it." Alex whispers
"I'm happy for you guys!" Maggie says hugging them

Short chapter i know, sorry, but i gotta be consistent. Bye!
As usual all rights belong to CW and I own none of these characters

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