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Car horns ring throughout the city and Kara flies in to STAR Labs

"Hey Kara. Glad to see you're ok? Where's Barry?" Caitlin asks
"Someone knocked him out. Came here to let you know. Anyways, you guys have cells here for special people, right?" I ask
"Yea. Near the cortex." Cisco responds
"Thanks." I say

Kara flies and takes out Cisco and Caitlin

"Kara! What are you doing?" Wally asks

Kara blasts him and he narrowly dodges

"She's still evil!" Joe says aiming his gun at her
"What makes you think bullets will work on me?" I say taking him out

Kara takes the rest of the team out leaving Wally and Her left

"Kara, stop, this isn't you!" Wally says dodging her heat vision

Kara knocks Wally out

"It very much so is." Kara says bringing him to a cell

Kara brings everyone to a cell and numbs Cisco's body

"Time to take over Earth 1." Kara says flying up


"She would've taken over this world by now." I say putting his mask on
"Earth 1 I'm assuming?" Alex asks
"Yep." I respond
"Do you happen to have an extra inter-dimensional transporter?" J'onn asks
"I can try and make one." I say

In 2 minutes Barry makes a prototype

"Hopefully it works." I say checking it out
"Why can't we just hop on your back again?" Winn asks
"Unless you want to throw up, or possibly be burned alive, then go ahead and jump on my back." I say sarcastically
"Right. Ok let's go." Winn says

Everyone step on to the portal and steps in


Kara frees the other meta-humans in the cells

"Who are you?" Weather Wizard asks
"Just someone who wants to take over the world." Kara responds
"But more on to important business. Now you either work for me or you die. Simple as that." I say coldly
"Why should we work for y-" Girder gets cut off by Kara blasting him with her heat vision
"Anyone else want to say no?" I ask

Silence rings throughout the room

"Good. Stay here, try not to kill each other. If you do, pick off the weak ones." I say flying out

Kara flies to the DEO

"Identification number?" The guard asks
"52910387" I respond

The guard reaches for a button but Kara blasts him with her heat vision

"FREEZE!" Guards say running in with guns

Kara doesn't stop moving and everyone fires at her

"Where's King Shark and Grodd?" I yell

Everyone is silent and Kara starts strangling a solider

"Where are they?" I say impatient
"No one? Ok." I say

Someone throws a grenade knocking Kara to the ground

"Cuff her." A lady says walking in

Kara sees the kindness underneath the lady's eyes and punches every soldier and choke holds one

I'll Never Let You Go Again (A Superflash Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now