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(A/N This will obviously be a flashback of the people in Barry's life and how they reacted when he died. This idea was suggested by Tuckerj86_ make sure to thank him for the idea! Maybe even follow him?)


"Good morning beautiful" I said
"What time is it?" Kara asked groggily
"9am" I responded
"I want more sleep." Kara says falling back down to the bed
"But I just got back. Plus I need to know what happened while I was gone." I said falling down with her
"Can I at least tell you on the bed?" Kara says
"Fine." I said immediately

Kara laughs and Barry smiles

"Thank you. So who do you want to start with?" Kara says
"You made visits to everyone?" I asked
"Sadly yes, I was hoping they would offer me advice that would make me feel better, and they did, but I never did so." Kara says
"Again sorry I left you." I say sadly
"You couldn't have known, I didn't know Lilian was going to kill you in the first place." Kara says looking at Barry
"Ok, let's start with whoever you want." Barry says
"Then we shall start with when I told the others"Kara says


"Kara. You're back!" Alex says running up to hug her
"Where's Barry?" Wally asks

Kara just stands there in tears until everyone realizes what happened

"Who killed him?" Oliver asks
"Lilian..." Kara says sobbing
"Where is she?" Cisco asks
"Dead..." Kara says crying even more

The room is filled with silence and darkness until Kara says what exactly happened

"Lilian, she didn't want to kill me, instead before getting ready to stab me, she turned and stabbed Barry. I blasted her with my heat vision right after, and Barry died in my arms." Kara explains

Everyone stands there, some in remorse, some in anger, some not even showing any emotion

"I-I'm going to go." Kara says flying off


"So I'm going to now go on to what everyone had said after, which I asked them about." I say


"Hey Caitlin" Kara says flying in
"Hey" I say coldly
"Are you mad at me?" Kara asks
"No of course not" I say with sympathy
"Is it Barry?" Kara asks
"You know me too well. So why'd you come here?" I ask
"Caitlin talk to me, it's been hard for me as well, you can't just ignore this." Kara says

Caitlin ignores Kara's question and goes over to the computer

"There's a robbery on 5th street Bar- Wally, get on it" I I I awkwardly say in to the comm
"Kara. Why are you here?" Caitlin asks
"Something important. Something I need to do." Kara vaguely says
"So. Why are you hurting so much?" Kara says with a hint of sadness behind her voice
"It's pretty obvious. He was my best friend, he was always there for me. I trusted him, enough to let him call me Cait. He was able to make me have fun, to get me drunk. He was the person I loved after Ronnie died and-" I pause realizing what I had just said
"Caitlin? You had a crush on him?" Kara asked
"Yes. But that was when he just first started as the flash. When he woke up from that coma. He was so shocked and it was pretty funny. I really miss him, he always had that glow on him, that hope and courage he had. Every attack he went to stop, and to save people I swear people's eyes filled with hope." I said starting to cry

I'll Never Let You Go Again (A Superflash Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now