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"You really are outdoing yourself Barry. 7 dates since you came back like two weeks ago." I say sitting down on a bench

Well, I missed you. That's all I can say." Barry says grabbing Kara's hand

Kara smiles until a scream occurs

"519 Cake Lane" Kara says unbuttoning her shirt to reveal her super suit
"Race you there." Barry says already in his super suit

Kara and Barry race and they end up at the place

"Barry get everyone in the building out of there, I'll use my freeze breath to stop the fire" I say flying up

Barry gets everyone out and Kara easily deals with the fire

"Too easy." Barry says giving Kara a high five

Kara thinks for a moment and tells Barry to follow her to the DEO

"I need you to lock me up in a cell." I say to Barry and Alex
"Why what happened?" Barry asks
"The situation was too easy, and I think I was exposed to red kryptonite like last time." I respond
"Ok, sorry that we have to do this sis." Alex says leading her to a cell
"It's for the greater good. How long until we get the cure for the red kryptonite?" I ask sitting on the bed in the cell
"It could take days. Maybe even two weeks." Alex says sadly
"What? Why?" Kara asks
"Without Maxwell Lord, we have no idea how to fix it. So we need to run some tests on how it was made, see if the effects can be reversed, etc." Alex says disappointed
"I'll see if my team can help." Barry says walking out
"Hey Barry." I say before he leaves

Barry turns around

"I love you. And please don't let the evil version make you think I don't. You're my best friend, and my lover, and I will always care about you." I say

Barry smiles with a bit of tears on his eye and eventually has to walk away

"I love you too Alex. Don't let evil me get into your head" I say to her
"Love you too sis." Alex says walking out.


"How's it going Caitlin?" I say walking in
"Very strange substance, I can say that. It seems to be composed of a form of poison, that controls how a person feels, specifically anger. And when the person who made this put it on Kryptonite, learned to be able to control it to only affect Kryptonians." Caitlin says not looking away from her microscope
"Weird. How's Kara right now by the way?" Cisco asks
"I don't want to know." I respond
"So does this stuff make her like, 'period mad' or 'destroy the world mad?" Cisco awkwardly asks
"Probably the second option." I say laughing
"And done." Cisco says finishing an invention
"What did you make?" I ask
"This is an energy contractor, redirection, protection suit. Or as I call it, the ecrp suit. Still working on the name. In case Kara escapes and somehow ends up attacking you, this suit will protect you. It does this by taking the heat energy from Kara's heat vision and redirecting it, giving off energy. So you would have enough energy to power a small town, hopefully. It can redirect the cold breath by producing the heat, from the energy, coming from the heat vision. So it will protect you from her main two power ups." Cisco says smiling
"Nice job, so do you know if it will work?" I ask him
"No idea, and I am hoping it does." Cisco says

Barry laughs until the portal opener dings

"Guess it's time to see if it will work." I say taking the suit and running to Earth 38


Barry speeds in

"What's up?" Barry asks
"Kara is starting to become her evil self, we need you to step in and talk some sense into her" I say loading a pistol
"You're willing to shoot your own sister?" Barry says concerned
"Fake bullets." Alex says

I'll Never Let You Go Again (A Superflash Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now