Alive or Fake?

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Barry and Kara are snuggling on the couch

"I'm really glad our wedding is tomorrow." I say
"I am too. I will never forget the reaction on your face. Your eyes sparkled like never before, and you were crying, it was amazing. You nearly broke my ribs that day." Barry says chuckling
"Again, sorry about that." I say laughing
"Barry, I never want to leave you." I continue
"Neither do I. And I won't leave you. Ever." Barry says looking into my eyes
"Barr, can you grab me some po-" I say but by the time I finish I have potstickers in my hand
"Potstickers?" Barry slyly asks

Kara begins to eat the potstickers and Barry smiles at her

"You're so adorable when you have potstickers." Barry says
"There is one thing I love more than Potstickers..." I say leaning close to Barry
"And that is?" Barry asks hopeful
"My." I say letting the silence ring for a second
"Family, including Alex and Clark." I say pulling away
"That's just cruel!" Barry says throwing a pillow at Kara
"That's me. Mrs. Cruel." I say eating a potsticker
"But really though, I love you above all else." I say pulling Barry into a kiss

Kara wakes up in her bed. Alone. With only a teddy bear, Barry, got her, next to her side.

"I miss you Barry." I whisper crying into the teddy bear


Kara wakes up to the sound of someone knocking on her door

"Hang on-hang on." I say
"Dear Rao what could be so important in the morning." I say in my thoughts

She opens the door to find Alex, Winn, J'onn and James there. As soon as she sees them she tries to close the door but J'onn holds it open

"Kara, we need to talk." J'onn says struggling to hold the door open
"There's nothing to talk about." I respond

The door breaks and Kara sighs in frustration as the others walk in

"You're paying for that." I say going to the couch with ice cream
"Kara we need to talk. It's been 3 months since he died." Alex says
"Within those 3 months, Supergirl disappeared, you got fired by Snapper, and criminals started popping out more and more! Kara, National City needs Supergirl." Winn continues
"Kara, we understand that it's hard, but would Barry want you doing this?" James asks

Kara just sits there in silence eating her ice cream until Alex takes it away

"Kara you know National City needs you. We need you." Alex says sitting next to her

There's a silence and eventually Kara mumbles something

"What was that?" J'onn asks

Kara mumbles it again and everyone is still in confusion

"Kara speak up." J'onn continues
"I said itmigjajsjjdj." I mumble
"You said what?" Alex asks
"I said aijsksjsjsj." I say getting up to leave

Winn sits Kara down

"Clarify please?" James asks
"I said National City might need me but they don't deserve me!" I snap

Everyone stands their in shock and Kara continues

"They don't deserve a hero that can't live on after she loses someone important to her. One that could've saved him if she had just blasted her sooner. They don't deserve me. They deserve someone else, someone better. Someone that can hold herself. One that doesn't kill." I say signaling to the door to let everyone out
"Kara-" Winn says
"Just go. Please. Just leave me alone." Kara says

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