Chapter Twenty - One - Five years later

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"Papa, come find me, where is Amelie", Luke scooped up his little girl - kissing her cheek and cuddling her to him. "Opps papa found me" Amelie giggled as he looked at the little brown eyed curly haired girl in front of him. 

"Yes sweetie, Papa did find you" Amethyst smiled as Luke set his baby girl down and she walked over to her mother, who knelt down in front of her, cuddling her daughter close. Amelie was a bright, sensitive little girl - well liked by all the staff and loved by her parents. 

Luke doted on his wife and daughter, anyone could see that - she took after him though - with his brown hair and eyes and sweet smile - which lit up whenever she saw her mama or papa. For a five year old, she was very clever and could read and understand both English and French. 

Amethyst walked away for a brief moment, heading to the newly built barn where her horses were kept. She loved her daughter and her husband, but every day she would go and check on her 2 favourite mares - Star and her 4 month old daughter Etoile. 

Petite Etoile to give her the full name - was a beautiful bay filly, with a white star in the middle of her forehead. She nuzzled Amethyst, hoping for a soft carrot and was rewarded with half. Moving to Star - Amethyst gave her the other carrot, then looked at the 5  stalls with delight.

Luke's beloved stallion Destrier had the last stall - a bit away from the mares - although he was the father of Petite Etoile - as she had her sire's personality and gentleness. Next came Diamond - a Welsh x Haflinger gelding, who was her sister's choice whenever she rode. Then Misfit - a little Welsh pony who Amelie looked after and rode.

Finally was Chesterfield Golden Dawn - the prize racehorse that Luke and Joe had bought between them and were racing under their French colours - of Gold and Blue. Joe had reformed, was now married to a beautiful girl and was now the father of a boy -  called Lucas. 

It was funny how things worked, Luke and Joe had hated each other, but since he had got together with and married his beloved wife - he had calmed down and become a kind, friendly person who Luke now liked and had a lot of time for. 

Amethyst stood - dreamily looking at the horses, when she felt a hand cover her eyes and a whisper - "guess who", turning round she smiled seeing him and as their lips met she knew with certainty who she loved. 

Luke pulled back, looking at his wife - his best friend, and he leaned in for another kiss which was just as sweet as the first. "Amy", he whispered softly kissing her again, before leading her out of the stable to the summer house that they had around the corner from the barn. 

Here was a place, they could go to and have privacy while their baby daughter was asleep or being looked after by her nanny, as was the case. Luke led her into the summer house, which had a comfy sofa, that changed into a bed, a bookcase and lamp and a cosy green and gold rug on the floor. 

As soon as they got into the house, he kissed her - so gently and tenderly - leading her over to the sofa and holding her to him as he sat down. He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her, slowly removing her top as he continued to kiss her all over. 

Things escalated very quickly and after it was over - he dressed her again and kissed her so tenderly and lovingly. They stayed together, him holding her in his arms as he kissed her, the love they felt for each other realised in those brief moments. 

As they walked up to the stables again, they found Amelie - busily grooming her pony with Kaitlin also grooming her horse. The two were inseparable and Amelie adored her auntie. Kaitlin smiled when she saw her sister and Amelie put down her body brush and walked over to her mum hugging her. 

"Mama - auntie Kaitlin says I can come out for a ride with her, please may I mama, papa" - Amelie looked at first her mother then father who nodded, knowing that Kaitlin would not go fast and scare her. 

Luke stayed to see his daughter, while Amethyst went up to the house and realised that Joe had come to see them. He smiled as she entered the parlour - his grey eyes shining when he saw his childhood friend. 

"Amethyst", he softly whispered as he pulled her to him in a hug. She moved back, smiling softly at her now friend - trusting him now despite everything they had been through. "Joe, how are you, and how is Lucas and Mari", she said mentioning his son and wife.

"They are, they" - and to her surprise Joe's eyes filled with tears. Concerned Amethyst moved over to him, and he put his hand in hers - looking at her. "She left me - she said some incredibly cruel things, like Lucas was not my son, he was not mine and she did not love me. Oh Amy", and before he knew what he was doing - Joe leaned in and kissed her, so lovingly and tenderly.

"I am so sorry - Amy, I" Joe looked at her - his beautiful grey eyes melting into hers, and before she knew what she was doing, she reciprocated the kiss - pulling him to her and they embraced before the door flew open and Kaitlin walked in.

Stunned, they broke apart before Kaitlin could see anything and she looked at them both - puzzlement in her eyes. "Joe, are you okay, what is wrong" - suddenly looking at them Amethyst realised the truth, her sister adored Joe.

Amethyst made her excuses, and headed upstairs to change for dinner, and clear her thoughts, she could not do anything about Joe, she did not want to hurt Luke or Amelie their precious baby girl. But how could she fight the bubble of feelings that were there - she knew she had to but she was afraid.

As Amethyst headed into her room, she could not get the feeling of sorrow that was rushing through her, that and guilt. She knew what she did was wrong, she knew she should not have done that, but Joe was mesmerising, he always had been - ever since she was a child - and despite everything - she knew there was a kind person underneath the cruel exterior.

The fact that her sister had always adored Joe came as no real surprise to Amethyst, she knew deep down that had always been the case. But she also knew that she would not be truly happy with anyone else apart from her beloved Luke.

But was there truly a kind side to Joe now - or was he just doing what he had always done - playing a game and fooling them into thinking the opposite of what he actually was. If Amethyst knew the truth, knew what was going to happen to them in the next few months - she would have thought twice about trusting him, trusting the man who had treated her so badly.

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