Chapter Eight - A place of safety

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Later that evening Amethyst sat in one of the chairs in the suite she was to call hers. Fear gripped her still as she wondered what Luke wanted in return for being kind to her. She was prepared for any 'favours' he may ask of her. 

The 'suite' she was in was the largest area she had ever known, it was comprised of 5 rooms - a large bedroom, sitting room, parlour, library and study. It took up the west wing of Luke's large Victorian style mansion. 

She had discovered the library quite by accident - as she was exploring - as he had told her the whole wing was for her. As she looked around her - a young girl walked in and curtsied "Please Mr Luke wishes to see you in his study", and with that she curtsied again and headed back out to the main house. 

Amethyst sat very nervously in the room - she knew where the study was but she did not wish to see Luke as she was afraid of him - and what he would do to her. The maid appeared again and helped her dress in a beautiful cream woollen dress and cream shoes to match. 

She sighed more out of fear than anything else as she walked down the corridor separating the suite from the main house. Suddenly the door opened and he appeared. He was dressed in a smart black tuxedo and looked very gorgeous. 

"Darling", he said gently holding out his hand and taking hers - before kissing it softly - "Angel please do not be afraid, I will not hurt you - I promised you that my sweet girl. I only want to keep you safe and protect you from the people who have hurt you in the past. I will not do anything to hurt you like they did, sweetheart please believe me".

Amethyst lifted her head briefly to look  into his beautiful eyes and sensed the sincerity in his gaze - but as she had been taught she lowered her head and nodded, still too shy and traumatised to look at him for long periods. Luke led her into the study - his eyes looking at her and he gently lifted her head to look at him. 

"Do you believe me that I am not like him - I am not a monster who hurts vulnerable girls - If I saw him or any of those monsters that treated you like that - I would hurt them twice as much as they hurt you, please believe me sweetheart", he said as he held her to him - softly kissing her on the lips as she cried. 

"What did he do to you sweet angel, what else did he do, what are you not telling me my love, and who was that mystery stranger who helped you out?"

"Please do not pressure me - I cannot say - maybe someday I will be able to reveal the truth of what happened in my past but at the moment I - I" - she faltered - tears filling her eyes as she looked at him. 

Seeing her obvious distress - he wrapped his arms round her pulling her close - and he reassured her that no one was going to pressure her into revealing anything - and she could take her time. 

As she pulled back from his hug - she smiled softly at him and said "thank you" as he gently moved in for a kiss - soft and gentle - before he hugged her again. 

Soo who was the kind stranger and what other hidden secrets are in Amethyst's past - find out later..........

Amethyst - The Story Of A Young GirlWhere stories live. Discover now