Chapter Seven - Learning to trust

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Hearing him say this, Amethyst pulled him to her, kissing him full on the lips.  "Stop sweetheart, what was that all about", he said pulling away from her, his eyes searching hers for a reason.

"I  did that because I love you too, and whatever happens, I  won't hurt you. I want to be yours darling , in everything ". He looked at her through his beautiful brown eyes, and smiled at her.

"Amethyst, I cannot do this, it's too soon sweetheart,  what happened to you, what other treatment did you have in the past aside from the beatings?" His eyes filled with concern, as she broke down in tears.

"I was treated like a slave, the Comte ordered me to do everything he wanted. I was trapped in one of the rooms, while they set upon  me - because I wouldn't do what they wanted, which was what I saw Anne do".

I was so scared, but then, someone came to my room, after 3 of the men had set upon me, and they also tried to attack me.  I didn't look at him, all my life I had been told not to make eye contact so I didn't. He was different to the others, he was kind, so gentle, he sat away from me, and when he spoke in his soft tones I felt safe."

He looked at her, tilting her head up to look at him. Her eyes filled with tears as he held her face in his. "You are safe with me my darling, I  will not hurt you, Amethyst it's okay sweetheart ", he said kissing her on the lips.

"Who was he baby, who was the person who made you feel safe and secure, I cannot let you go back to that treatment though - but if you wish to leave then I will not stop you, just know that you are safe here my sweet girl", and with a soft kiss on her cheek he walked out of the room - leaving Amethyst sitting in tears.


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