Chapter Sixteen - Heart song

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Later that day, Luke and Amethyst walked together outside the 'safe house' - hand in hand and he kept stopping and gently kissing her. 

"I love you my darling, my baby girl, my angel", in between kisses as his arms wrapped around her and he pulled her closer to him and kissed her lovingly. She pulled back, and as she looked at him, "I love you too my sweetheart, I am yours in everything and Theo or the Comte will not separate us ever again".

He smiled gently at her, taking her hand in his and as they continued to walk, he led her into the house and up to their room. When they arrived there, he gently kissed her, wrapping his arms round her and pulling her to him. 

"Darling I love you, so much sweetheart, her eyes filled with tears and he pulled her gently to him, cuddling her as they kissed each other, he gently laid her on the bed and snuggled next to her, as they kissed.

Later that evening, the Comte stood with Anne, holding her in his arms. "Darling, you do know who you are - you are the daughter of the Lord Duvallan and Amethyst's sister, your name is really Kaitlin and you were taken from your family when you were 12 and she was 8, do you remember her?"

Anne looked at him, tears filling her eyes "sire no, you are lying, I have no sister, I do not remember my family, only you and the love you have shown to me all my life, you have my heart and you will have my baby, I promise you".

The Comte looked at her, the woman he loved so much, yet who he had hurt and treated so badly. His heart ached at the tears falling down her beautiful face and he held her to him. "Anne my darling, you are my princess, and I love you, I never wanted to hurt you, but I had to take you from your family. Your parents died - there was an accident, I tried to help them and your sister, but I couldn't."

Anne looked at him, seeing his gaze soften. Even though she knew he was a cruel man, the Joe she knew and loved was different - and she knew he would protect her and take care of her. So she smiled and walked towards him, holding out her hands.

"Joe, I know you did for me what you could and thank you for saving me, but where is my sister, where is she?"

"Anne, your sister is safe, however - do not fear my love,  you will see her again very soon as she will be back with us, with her true family, however you need to help me Anne my sweet girl, help me to get her back from the man she is enamoured with and everything will be alright. You will be rewarded my darling, so many rewards".

Anne nodded and the Comte led her to his rooms, where they concocted a plan to get Amethyst back, without realising it - Anne had taken over from where Theo left off - as the plan was the same - and they knew they had to be more careful and ensure that Amethyst was brought back. 

Joe gently held her to him, raining kisses on her face and lips. "You will do this for me angel won't you, please bring back my prize, so that I can teach her a lesson, and Anne if you cross me or break your promise to me, it will be the worse for you".

Hearing him say those words, Anne shrank back - scared of this Joe who was so intense but in a heartbeat could change and be loving and gentle.

"Comte, Joe - you are scaring me, I get so frightened when you are like this - please don't" Anne begged as he roughly grabbed hold of her - pushing her against the wall and kissing her. She tried to pull away, but he held her down and continued to kiss her. "You will do what I say Anne, you will go and get Amethyst and bring her to me, and this time I will not let her go". 

Anne whimpered as he roughly kissed her again. She knew she had to agree to the plan, but something in her knew it was wrong. She nodded though as he let her go and kissed her gently. "Good girl, I knew you wouldn't let me down, like Theo did - he was my brother, my best friend and I thought I could count on him - but he betrayed me, he fell for her and saved her - damn him to hell".

The Comte stepped away from Anne who was shaking with fear at the venom in the Comte's voice. She knew that he was so determined to get Amethyst back, but if what he said was true and they were sisters - she couldn't let him hurt her".

As the Comte led her to his rooms, Anne knew what she had to do and the first chance she could get she would warn them, warn her sister and Luke exactly what the Comte was capable of - and the fear he had instilled in her since she was 12 years old. 

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