Chapter Thirteen - The next day/Three months on

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The next day he got up quietly, leaving the house and going to the ford as he had been ordered. The Comte stood waiting, a smirk on his face when he saw Luke was alone "You have done well, now I will deal with you, remember the winner gets Amethyst, and the loser gets nothing".

Luke backed away, "Comte I do not wish to fight you, I will not stand in Amethyst's way, if at any point she decides she wants to come back to you I will let her go, and we do not need to fight as I have no argument with you, not any more, are we agreed".

The Comte nodded and the two men shook hands, before backing away, aware that a truce of sorts had been agreed between them. He allowed him to go and pretty soon he heard hoofbeats cantering away.

His loyal servant walked out from behind the trees and the two men laughed at how perfectly the plan was going. They knew that Amethyst would come back, the Comte would make sure of that. He was biding his time, but in the meantime he would ensure that he did not go near the 'safe house' until the time was right and Amethyst would be his again.

Luke returned home, unaware of the Comte's plan, he led Destrier to the field and after giving him a quick brush, let him go into the paddock. He turned around to find Amethyst standing there and holding out his arms she ran into them, kissing him.

"It's okay my darling, he will not hurt you again, he promised me that, and no my angel I did not fight him, I did not need to. I love you Amethyst and I will not let him hurt you again. You are safe now, ssh" he held her to him as she cried, relief that he was safe and the comte was gone..... Or was he....

Three Months Later

Three months had passed since he rescued Amethyst from the Comte's clutches - they were still devoted to each other and they still lived in the safe-house - far away from his usual home. He knew the Comte would never find them, as long as they were careful and stayed close to home.

They walked through the woods surrounding the large manor that was his second home - and he kept pace with her - as they chatted about everything. Suddenly, he put his hand in hers and as they continued to walk, he kissed it gently.

"Sweetheart, oh Amy, he said using his pet name for her and wrapping his arm round her protectively - you are my baby girl and I love you so much." - he stopped and turned to face her - looking into her eyes with such gentleness and love that she hadn't experienced before from anyone.

"Amethyst Rose Duvallan, I love you sweetheart - always have and always will - I just want to know will you marry me". Amethyst looked at him - into the face of the man who had saved her and nodded yes - Luke held her in his arms and pulled her into a tender kiss - which deepened as he held her closer to him.

After a short while - he pulled away gently and they looked at each other. "Did you mean what you said just now, you want me to marry you?" Amethyst looked at him - searchingly - as if to question him and his honesty.

He wrapped his arms round her waist and kissed her. "Yes my sweet girl, I want to marry you, I want us to be together for always and in time - you to have my baby. I have loved you for ever my sweetheart - since I found you in the clearing that day, and what the Comte did to you - he will never lay his hands on you again, or I will kill him".

Hearing him say those words and seeing the look on his face, Amethyst held her hand in his and stopped him - "He will not bother us again, I love you and I will never ever go back to the Comte or his men, after how he treated me. I want to be married to you and to have your baby, I want you safe though sweetheart - please darling promise me you will not do anything crazy and get hurt."

Her eyes filled with tears at the thought of him being hurt or harmed in any way - but she knew that if he had to - he would protect her from harm, no matter what. And for that she was incredibly grateful and knew if the need arose - she would look after and protect him too.

He held out his hand to her, holding it and they walked back to the house - smiling at Destrier and his new friend, a beautiful grey Anglo Arab mare called Silver Stardust - Star for short. Luke had bought her for Amethyst and the girl and horse were inseparable.

As they stopped at the paddock to say hi to their horses - Amethyst smiled as Star came cantering over in response to her whistle. "Easy girl, whoa Star" - Amethyst crooned to her beloved horse, turning and smiling at Luke - who was patting Destrier who had joined his master. Luke had such a wonderful way with horses - he could handle any of them, and they responded to him.

The two of them laughed as Destrier trotted around the paddock, closely followed by Star, her paces were beautiful and they were well loved. They walked off - hand in hand to go to their home.

When they got in, he pulled her into his arms, holding her close and looking at her with an intensity she had never seen before. "Amy darling I want to be with you, please let me show you how much I love you - I promise I will not hurt you, and I will look after you sweetheart".

Amy looked at him, into his beautiful brown eyes and nodded slowly, trusting this man that she adored. He took her hand in his and led her to the bedroom - standing in front of the bed he held her to him. "Do you trust me sweetheart?" he questioned - his eyes searching hers.

"Yes, always" Amethyst responded and Luke softly kissed her, still holding her in his arms, then he lifted her and laid her on the bed. "If you want me to stop at any point sweetheart I will, but I love you so much, and I will not hurt you", he gently lay beside her, holding her to him and kissing her. She tensed, but he sensed this - so pulled away.

"Do you want me to stop darling, just tell me and I will" - he said looking at her with such love and tenderness. Amethyst looked at him too - and said no - so he gently kissed her again and again. He whispered softly to her as their kisses deepened, and she snuggled close to him as he gently began to undress her.

Later on that night - they lay together - his arms wrapped round her gently as she snuggled into him, laying her head on his shoulder. "I love you, thank you for taking things slowly with me, and for making me realise I could trust men again". He kissed her softly on her lips as she snuggled into him once more and they fell asleep in each others arms.

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