Chapter Eighteen - our precious child

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"Amethyst, baby shh it's okay, darling did you have a bad dream. Shh my love, it's okay, I am here with you, sweetheart", Luke held her in his arms as Amy cried feeling the safety and protection of his arms as she sobbed.

"It was a bad dream, I dreamt I was with the baby and the Comte took her, then he hit you and killed you in front of me while Theo stood and laughed. Darling, I am terrified he will hurt you once our baby is born. I want you to go, to leave me - this is the only way you will be safe".

Luke's beautiful brown eyes narrowed in anger, and he stepped away, after gently kissing her. "Baby - he will not hurt you, I am going to find him and make him pay, he has done enough to you and your sister - he will not take our baby from us. Amy stay here though darling, do not follow me or try to find me - I will do everything I can to come back to you, to our baby", and with that he softly kissed her - before heading out and taking his horse and leaving in a cloud of dust.

"No baby come back" - Amethyst's eyes filled with tears as she watched the man she loved riding away - she knew he was going to find the Comte - find him and kill him. She wished she could ride after him, to save him, but her baby bump prevented this. So all she could do was wait and hope that she would see him again.

Luke spurred Destrier on - anger and pain filling his mind as he knew he had to find him, find him and kill him, if not to save Amethyst and protect their unborn child. Destrier galloped up to the Comte's house and he swiftly dismounted - tying him up and running to the door before hammering on it.

"Open up damn you, Comte face me you bastard" Luke yelled this as he hammered on the door again. Suddenly it was roughly pulled open and he stood there - gasping as Luke pulled him outside.

"Where is he, where is Theo", Luke's face was filled with anger - as he faced up to the Comte - who sneered. "Where do you think he is hmm, well I will tell you - Theo is at your home with your pretty wife - probably making love to her right now - because I tell you - they are together and she never loved you. Oh and that bastard she is carrying, well it's his not yours."

The Comte threw back his head and laughed, this was wiped off his face by Luke who punched him - the two men fought - each determined to hurt the other. Destrier whinnied - seeing his beloved master fighting - but both the men didn't notice as they punched each other viciously.

"I am going to fucking kill you Comte I mean it, you will not hurt me or Amy or our child, and yes it is our child and I will not listen to you", Luke said as he pulled back before starting the fight up again.

The two men continued to fight, only stopping when they heard a whinny and looked up to see a beautiful chestnut horse pulling a small trap.

"No baby stop it, please", Luke stopped as if frozen when Amethyst got down from the trap. He pushed the Comte away who sneered at him. "Oh so now your little wife is here - the fight stops does it, did you know she is nothing but a whore and a slapper - she slept with all of my men before she was 15 - did you know that about your precious Amethyst".

He was fuming and threw himself at the Comte - pushing him away and shouting at him. "Don't you ever say anything about Amethyst like that again, she was a young vulnerable girl, you treated her like dirt, like nothing and she escaped from you, and she loves me and we are going to take care of our baby when it is born."

"She is not your wife, she is mine - I don't give my property up that easily" the Comte smiled - as Luke stared at him. "Well if you think this Comte - let her decide, let Amethyst choose between us - she can come with me or go with you, and be a family in your palatial chateau, I will not stand in her way".

Luke flew at the Comte again, and the two men rained even more angry punches on each other while Amethyst watched - one hand protectively over her expanding stomach, and her eyes filling with tears.

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