Chapter Fifteen - The figure in the aisle

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"Amethyst nooo", she turned startled by the loud yell coming from the other end of the aisle.

Luke looked up and his face darkened, how dare he come there and try to ruin their day. Amethyst watched as Luke walked past her and pushed the figure out of the clearing. 

"You bastard, how dare you come and try to ruin our special day, what the hell were you thinking. Huh what?"

"I only wanted to see her, to wish you both well, but I know I am not wanted" and with that the figure turned and walked away. 

He stood shaking his head, and then turned to walk back into the clearing and down the aisle. Amethyst was  shaking, as she began to once more walk towards him.

When she got to him, Luke put his arms round her and held her close. "It's alright darling, he won't hurt us again, shh come on calm down my sweetheart", he said gently as he could feel her shaking in his arms.

"I was so scared, of what he would do and what you would do, please don't go after him, he is dangerous, the Comte has used him and he is now in the pay of the man who abused me. I don't want to see you being hurt my baby". Amethyst stood back, composing herself as the vicar began the marriage ceremony.

A few miles away the figure stood in a clearing waiting for his master "Sir I", he stood as his master approached. "You failed me, where is she, I told you didn't I not to let this wedding go ahead, she is mine do you hear me, not his and I want you to find her and bring her to me, before she is with child, she is not to stay with him, and you will do this for me and you will do it correctly or I will kill you".

Theo nodded, knowing he was in the pay of the Comte Joseph Stephen Xavier Roberto Moreskey and there was nothing he could do. He wanted Amethyst, and he would do anything to get her back. 

With a heavy heart, he followed Joe back to his large mansion. "Remember Theo, wait until she goes out alone or on that horse of hers and get her then, I want my prize, she will not stay with that man again, she will come home with me and be my princess. I will take care of her Theo I can assure you of that, and when the time comes - you will kill Luke and she will watch".

Theo shook his head, "Sir I cannot do that, not to Amethyst, I will get her yes, but I will not kill someone - I cannot and please do not ask me to".

"Then you are a coward, and you will leave my home and my staff, I pay you all to do what I say and if you defy me, you will die too".

Theo nodded his head, "then kill me Sir, as I have no intention of following your orders, and another thing Sir, I helped Amethyst escape, she is my sister and I love her - leave her be she is happy and safe - what about Anne, are you just going to discard her now she is no use to you any more?"

The Comte's face darkened as he flung himself at Theo and the two men fought, only stopping when the grooms split them up, alerted by the shouting and fists. 

"Go Theo, get out and never come back again, I do not ever wish to see you or hear you, go on go", the Comte roughly pushed Theo away and turned brushing off his other servant Jacques who nodded and let his master pass.

"Anne, where are you", the Comte's voice softened when he called his mistress. "Yes sire I am here", and Anne walked into the room. She was now nineteen, and very beautiful with long black hair and blue eyes. She walked up to the Comte and kissed him. "What happened to you?" she said noticing the bruised and swollen state of his face.

"Theo he went mad, he said he was the one who helped Amethyst go and he refused to bring her back so I, I". Joe held his head in his hands and cried, Anne immediately turned to comfort him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.

"My darling, all this time you have been there for me, I used you and took advantage of you, but I should have known, I love you Kaitlin Anneshka Duvallan", and with that the Comte led her to his room and showed her exactly how much.

Amethyst - The Story Of A Young GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang