Chapter Nine - Kidnap

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Amethyst got up the next morning - wanting to go for a walk so she could clear her head and help her realise the feelings she had for the kindest, gentlest man she had ever known. After she'd dressed in her warm winter clothes - she quietly crept out of the wing she had and down the stairs to the kitchens. 

Luke was no where to be seen - which in hindsight was not the best idea - however as Amethyst was not aware of the danger she was in - she decided to explore the grounds of the large house he owned. 

She opened the door quietly, leaving it on the latch so she could come back in when she had finished her walk. She breathed the fresh air - *washed clean* her sister used to say - Amethyst drew her breath as she realised she remembered her sister - and happier times before she was taken away from her parents. 

Tears fell down her face as she remembered - Kaitlin- her older sister - and what the monsters had done to her - what they had made her suffer in front of her baby sister - she remembered him - his evil black eyes and the cruelty within them. 

Fear gripped her suddenly and she started to run - in what direction she had no idea - she felt scared and wanted to get back - but as she ran further into the woods near his house she had no idea where she was going. "Help, please" - she cried out - but her pleas felt lost in the dense wood - so all she did was carry on - tears running down her face. 

As she slowed her pace - she realised that she had strayed far from the safe house - far from him. Her body shook as she saw a figure in front of her - no it couldn't be - but the evil black eyes stared at her and Amethyst felt nothing as she fell to the ground. 

The last thing Amethyst heard before the darkness overcame her was the sound of an evil laugh and a cry of "Amethyst".

Well another update for you all :) who is the evil stranger and we now find out Amethyst had an older sister. What will happen next. Stay tuned to find out......... 

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