Chapter 24

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Side note: I wrote this while I was semi-half asleep, so I'm sorry if it's completely terrible.

Chapter 24 - The Video

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Chapter 24 - The Video

Days and nights gone by, neither group speaking to each other. Though that hadn't stopped Archie. He made it almost his duty to make sure to keep his three best friends within his life; Betty, Jughead, and Macie. The only problem was that neither of them were speaking to each other, making it only an issue for him.

Macie not speaking to Jughead because of her overthinking process leading her to the conclusion that she actually didn't need him within her life. She was her own king, an independent woman if you will.

Jughead not speaking to Betty because he felt that everything in his life was complicated enough, no need to add a girlfriend who would lie to him within the mix.

Betty not speaking to Macie because after a long night of thinking about everything she'd done for Jughead, it'd only made sense that she too were in love with her boyfriend. No matter how much the strawberry-blonde had denied it.

It was an ongoing triangle of battles that Archie never knew of. He'd only guessed that they needed their space. Oh, how foolish...

Though he hadn't wanted to wait too long for his friends, the murder mystery that begun in Riverdale overcoming his life. He'd followed many clues, mainly wanting to help Veronica find out if her father had hired FP Jones to kill Jason Blossom. They'd tracked one all the way up to Kevin Kelley's boyfriend, Joaquin, who was a known teenage serpent.

Turns out that Joaquin had actually helped keep Jason's body a secret from the police. Not that he'd actually been the one to kill the young man, but he was in fact apart of the clean up committee. He'd taken Archie, Veronica, and Kevin up to another Serpent who'd helped, Mustang. Once going up to his motel room, searching the bed and such, they'd found him dead within the bathtub. Seemed to be heroine overdose, or so everyone had thought.

Besides the point, the police soon came and searched the room as they would any crime scene. Only within this one they'd found a bag with the initials "H.L." filled with money. They'd obviously assumed Hermione Lodge, being that she was at the scene with her daughter. Also to add to the fact that she seemed to be the only known one within Riverdale who could not only afford that much, but had the same initials.

"Not Hermione Lodge. Hiram Lodge." Veronica corrected the sheriff after he'd showed them the evidence.

"Veronica.." her mother tried to shush her.

"Mom! He was doing business with the Serpents. He--" Veronica began to confess.

"-And that's all we're going to say until we have an attorney present." The mother finished for her daughter, pulling her back by her arm.

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