Chapter 7

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 Chapter 7 - Can You Spell It?

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Chapter 7 - Can You Spell It?

Third person POV

The two teenagers, Veronica and Archie, were walking down the street trying to make conversation to fill the awkward silence.

"Is Betty still mad at you?" Veronica asked, not bringing her eyes to the boy her mom volunteered to walk her home.

"We're back to no texting." Archie sighed. "What about you?"

"I am back to being the shallow toxic rich bitch who ruins everything in her path. Which is unfortunate because even though I just met Betty, I feel like we were meant to be best friends. Like-like it was our destiny!" Veronica grinned and Archie chuckled lightly as he started to think of Betty. "And feels like there was this train that was headed to the rest of my life and I just..missed it."

"Betty and I have been next door neighbors since we were 4. We've always been to the same schools, been in the same class." He paused with a smile starting to spread. "I remember in the 2nd grade I was having trouble reading and my teacher, Mrs. Grimbrock, told my mom and dad that I should be held back a year to get caught up. Betty was so against us not being in the same grade. Then she told Macie, who hated the idea even more, so they took it upon themselves to tutor me every single day." Archie thought.

"In the second grade?" Veronica asked with a smile.

"Yeah. Anyway when I passed, thanks to Betty and Macie, I kissed them and asked Betty to marry me. And she said 'oh, little Archie, we're too young. Ask me when we turn 18 and I'll say yes'." He smiled until it soon fell and he thought back to reality. "I hate that I hurt her."

"Give her time, Archie. Life will go. And don't despair, I don't think your story with Betty is over just yet." Veronica concluded before pausing. "So..Macie.."

"What about her?" Archie asked.

"You, Macie and Betty have always been there for each other, huh?" Veronica asked lightly, looking up at Archie for a second and he nodded.

"Yeah. She's not texting me either." He sighed. "But Macie used to hang out more with our old friend Jughead than she did with Betty and I. I remember when Macie's dad was alive Jughead and I would sneak into her room and have a slumber party almost every night. Then later her dad would find us and sneak in some chocolate chip cookies and tell us not to tell Macie's mom." Archie smiled.

"Every night?" Veronica chuckled.

"Almost." Archie laughed at the memory until his smile fell again. "After her dad died, she started locking her window and closing the shades. She wouldn't even talk about it, it's as if it never happened."

"Her dad's death?"

"Yeah. There was even a time where she wouldn't talk to anyone. Not even her sister Janice. Just went to school then went home." Archie thought back.

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