Chapter 20

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 Chapter 20 - Families Can Change *Jughead narration + third-person POV*

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Chapter 20 - Families Can Change
*Jughead narration + third-person POV*

People like to say that the death of Jason Blossom changed everything at Riverdale High, but certain things--certain traditions--never change.

Take homecoming, for instance.

Though Jason's jersey had been retired, the Riverdale Bulldogs would still be playing their arch-rivals, the Baxter High Ravens, with the River Vixens cheering them on.

As in previous years, graduates from days of Riverdale Past will come to town to relive their more youthful, more carefree days...or to make up for lost time...

Jughead and Macie sat by the stairs listening in as Archie and his mother sat at the dinning table. The night after Jughead's birthday party, Archie's mother surprised him by stopping by before officially signing the divorce papers.

"Archie, the reason why I came.." his mother tip-toed around the subject with a small smile.

"You came because of the divorce." Archie deadpanned, setting his spoon full of cereal back down within the half-full bowl. "Because I called dad."

"He called his dad?" Macie whispered to Jughead in confusion and the boy shushed her in reply.

"You know, I thought that Riverdale would be better for you than Chicago. It would be safer.." The older woman began to list off.

"It's okay, mom." Archie paused. "Really, I'm okay. And I mean, it hasn't been all bad. My friends are amazing. Dad and I are closer than ever right now. And also..."

"'ve been singing!" His mother grinned and he nodded with a small chuckle.

"Songwriting, yeah. And singing."

"And your dad tells me that you're great." A proud smile printed itself on the young mans face. "I hope you'll play me some songs before I go..."

"Yeah! For sure." Archie nodded. "I'm playing at the dance, so if you want to see me play live.." without even having to finish his sentence, his mother continuously nodded her head with a contagious smile as she looked to her son.

"Aw that is so cute!" Macie gushed. "Aren't they so cute, Jughead?" She nudged, but the boy had seemed out of it since his party.

"Very..." he paused, standing up and sliding his messenger bag over his shoulder. "..I've gotta go.."

"Where?" She asked, standing up.

"I was going to bring my dad some coffee and breakfast." Jug sighed and Macie nodded in agreement.

"I'll go too." She smiled.

"M, I don't think that'd be the best.."

"I'm going." Macie concluded. The boy gave her an unsure sigh before quickly nodding, opening the front door for her.

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