A/N [please read]

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As you guys now.
I haven't updated.
I'm sorry.

I just wanna get something of my chest.

When I was 9, 10, and 11 I was bullied. Both mentally and physically.

I used to think I was this strong girl.
That nobody could ever take down.

I was wrong, I was bullied because I was different.

Katherine (my twin sister. We don't look the same) knew, she told me that they only bullied me because I was beautiful.

I believed her.
But, words.
Words started to get to my head.
I started to believe I was trash, useless, stupid, ugly etc.

I started to get physically bullied when I was 10.
They used to push me into the wall, trip me, push me, and make up stupid rumors.

Nobody knew but Katherine.
She wanted to tell mum and dad.
I wouldn't let her.

We got into this argument, we didn't like for days, it might have even been weeks.

I had no one, just one thing.

I had music.

It relaxed me, it sent me to a while different world where I can be me, and nobody judges me for it.

It helped me think.
That when cutting popped up.

I've seen how many people cut and the pain goes away.

I got my knife and did it. It did it about 7 times.

I loved knowing that something else could make me feel something else besides hate.

I knew their was many different things I could have gone with.
But I didn't pay any attention to those.

I always had a sweater on, even if it was summer.

I curt more and more everyday.
I was bullied by this girl names Banessa and her friends.
(Yes, it's Banessa, not Vanessa)

One day I started to cut my legs because it was getting full in my arm.
My legs hurt so bad.
I couldn't sleep good because of it.

But that day that Banessa almost found out about me cutting.

It was the day my parents had gotten into the car crash.

I was sick and tired of life.
I wanted to be with mummy and daddy.

I found these pills in my big sister Brandy's Bathroom.
I didn't bother to look what is was for.
I took about 10 of them.
I made myself swallow 2 at a time.
Once I was done, I didn't feel good.

I woke up in a hospital room.
I yelled at myself for not dying.

A week or 2 later, I was out.

I never left my room.
The door always locked.
Didn't go to school for 2 months.
Rarely ate.
Music as loud as it could be.

Me and Katherine forgave each other after a while.
My family still doesn't know anything
{Should I Tell Them?}

But to this very day.
My past hunts me.

The day Banessa Almost Found out, my parent passing away.
It was on this day.

Getting bullied started in 9-13-09

I started cutting in 2-27-10

Banessa and Parents gone in 4-5-12

Ended in the hospital in 4-12-12

Moved and everything got better in 7-19-12

Now, it's 4-5-14, Sunday, 12:06, in Las Vegas .

Things have gotten better, but mesmerizes come back.
It takes everything out of me.
Nobody knew all this but Katherine , an I wanted to share with you guys.

And if you ever think of cutting.


It ruins your beautiful body/skin

I used this scar remover, now it shows a bit. Only if you see it in perfect lighting ill show.

I hope you done Judge me. And If You Have Ever Gone Through Something Similar, Comment is down below please, I would like to read how you guys solved it, or are solving it.

"Never Think Of 'Lucky Life' When you See Someone Smile Everyday. They Might Have A Smile, But They Could Have A Million Tears On Thee Inside Just Wanting To Flow Out On Thee Outside ~Zoe Hernandez~

Well that quite just came out d nowhere.


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