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Something was wrong.

The moment you sat up in bed, you felt the world spinning around you. You ignored Alice's questions of if you were okay and dashed to the toilet, just in time to see yesterday's dinner come up.

You jumped when you felt a hand rubbing your back and another pair pulling your hair back, away from your face.

"Oh, poor thing." Alice murmured.

"You probably weren't used to the food here. How badly did you eat in the Underground to have this food make you sick?" Another voice asked, who you could identify as Hanji.  

You didn't answer until your stomach was empty. "...I ate anything I could down there to survive." You answered hoarsely.

"I always thought hell was outside the walls, but it seems like it's closer than we think." Alice said sympathetically.

This kind of attention and kindness was so unfamiliar that it made you uncomfortable. If you ever got sick or threw up in the Underground, only Levi, Isabel and Farlen were there to help you, and for the past few years you were left completely on your own. Scared every time you saw the flecks of blood appearing with your vomit.

"Let's get you to bed." Alice said, and before you could say anything, scooped you up into her arms. Her jaw dropped. "(Y/N)...How much do you exactly weigh?"

"Um...forty five kilograms?" You answered, actually having no idea how much you weighed. Forty five kilograms was close to the minimum weight required, so you thought you must be around that.

"Give her here." Hanji said, and Alice passed you to her. Hanji's face grew grim. "(Y/N), saying you're more than forty kilograms would be a stretch." She told her. "Dizziness and vomiting blood, a weight much to light for your height and body...you're really sick, aren't you?"

"I don't know about being sick, but I've been like this for a while." You said softly. "I can't be that sick if I'm still alive after all those years, and I'm strong too. I can't be sick."

"Does Levi know?" Hanji asked. You shrugged.

"He knows this happens, doesn't worry too much about it." You answered. "You can put me down, I think I'm fine now."

"Huh? Oh, sorry!" Hanji carefully placed you back on your feet. "I didn't realize I was still carrying you. It was like carrying nothing."

"Thanks." You said sarcastically. "I think I'm fine now, so I'll go-"

"Right to bed." Alice said firmly. "You're not going anywhere, (Y/N), at least for today. We're probably not going to do anything important anyways, since I'm training Erd all day. You're staying in bed, so you can at least feel a bit better tomorrow."

You didn't have the energy to argue as Alice pulled you back to your bed. "Go to sleep, I'll find someone to bring you breakfast later."

She must've said some more, but you didn't hear because you were already drifting to sleep.

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