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"How did a weak little girl like you survive for so long down here?" He asked.

You turned your head to glare at him, but you were taken back by the genuine curiosity in his eyes.

"Aneki's not weak! She's not little either!" Isabel squeaked from beside you.

"How old even are you?" He asked.

"I'm seven, and Aneki's eleven!" Isabel told him, before you slammed a hand over her mouth.

"Stop talking." You hissed at her. "It's none of your business." You told the boy.

He scratched the back of his head. "You're kind of mean, eh?" He said. "I was just making small talk."

"Whatever." You said, standing up from the curb you were sitting at. "Let's go home, Isabel."

You tugged on Isabel's hand, but she didn't budge. She just stared at the boy with wide eyes.

"You look weak too." Isabel said. The boy rolled his eyes.

"Can't believe I'm getting told that by a seven year old." He said. "Well, little girl, I may not look strong, but I can probably think faster than you can blink."

"Woah!" Isabel started blinking rapidly.

"Let's go." You picked Isabel up and started carrying her back.

"Wait! What's your name?" She called at the boy.

The boy grinned. "It's Farlen."

You clearly remember disliking Farlen the first time you saw him.

Sure, he may not be much danger psychically, but he was a thinker. That could be even more dangerous than a stupid man with a knife.

As you opened your eyes, you could only think of how much you would give to be with him, Levi and Isabel again.

Were they killed by the Scouting Legion? Were they captured? It's been three years since you were left alone, and there was still no sign of them. In the beginning, you only felt the pangs of loneliness and only thought of how much you missed them, but as time dragged on you became filled with a bitter feeling that could almost be called resentment.

You used that resentment to build yourself up. Without Levi, Farlen and Isabel to lean to, you could only rely on yourself. Stealing from the nobles that occasionally came down to the Underground for the red light district, being hired by people to erase others, you had made a small name for yourself. As an homage for the black cloak you always wore since no one has ever seen your face before, you were nicknamed the 'Shadow King of the Underground', or just 'Shadow King' for short.

You sighed, shaking your head as you spotted the men in uniforms, a distance behind you.

"Goddamn, Military Police." You muttered. "Why do they even try?" Gliding through the musky air of the Underground, your legs didn't shake as much as you did three years ago, but you could still feel the strain. You swooped behind an alleyway before proceeding on foot.

"Ahh...what should I have for dinner today?" You asked yourself, wandering down the street, taking a series of twists and turns that even people who lived in their whole life in their Underground would have trouble navigating.

All of a sudden, you stopped. Something was wrong.

"Shit!" You swore, breaking into a run. You were fast, but whoever tackled you to the ground was faster. Luckily, your hood stayed over your head.

"Hey there, Shadow King." A woman said. You looked up, and saw a woman with messy brown hair tied back in a ponytail, her glasses glinting in the light. "They were right, you are hard to catch. Well, as expected, since the Military Police actually swallowed their pride to ask the Scouting Legion for help to catch a criminal."

Fucking hell. You clenched your teeth.

"I hope you don't mind, but..." The woman extended a hand, no doubt going to take off your hood.

Ugh, you hated using this tactic, but what other choice did you have? You forced tears through your eyes, putting on the most innocent and scared face you could pull as your hood fell.

"Huh? A girl? Plot twist right there." The woman whistled.

The woman that had tackled you to the ground, the one with short hair, sighed. "No, Hanji. According to the Military Police, the Shadow King is a small, teenage boy. We took a bait. C'mon, let's go." The short haired woman said, turning her back and walking away. The woman with messy hair that she had called Hanji glanced at you one more time before walking away as well.

'What a bunch of fucking idiots.' You thought to yourself as you lunged forwards, aiming for a solid kick to this woman's head. 'Payback, bitch.'

Your other foot digging into the ground, you side kicked this woman's head as hard and as fast as you could, but you were too slow to realize that you had missed.

Seemingly out of no where, someone grabbed your leg, forcing you to guard his next attack with your weak as hell arms. You cried out in pain as he twisted it behind you, forcing you to the ground.

"Yeah, that's the Shadow King, alright." The woman with short hair said, unfazed. "Uses kicks instead of knives?"

"Yes." The man that had taken you down said in a low voice, and you froze. "Good to see you again...(nickname)

No way. This couldn't be.

Your eyes wide in horror, you turned your head to see the man that had left you behind three years ago, holding you down to the ground. The man that had promised to protect you no matter what, now had your arm behind your back, the slight pressure saying that if he wanted to, he could break it easily.

The man you had fallen in love with. Or at least you thought.


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