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You shivered.

It wasn't that cold, considering you were bundled up in a thick jacket and scarf, but damn, it felt like you were walking in a t-shirt during a blizzard.

"Wow, hell really did freeze over." You muttered to yourself.

"Talking to yourself? You really are crazy." A voice said. An unfamiliar man was walking towards you, a smirk on his face. "I have no idea what Captain Levi was thinking, bringing in someone like you to the Scouting Legion."

You rolled your eyes. You weren't in the mood to deal with anyone at the moment, so you walked away from him. Evidently, that was not what he had expected you to do because he started to chase after you.

"Wha-? Look at me when I talk to you, bitch!" He pulled on your arm.

"The hell? If you think I'm crazy, then stop following me." You snapped.

"Do you know who you're talking to? I am Samuel Carrow, the person most likely to become the next squad deputy of Mike Zacharius's squad!" He shouted proudly.

"Sure." You ripped your arm out of his grasp before walking again. "I doubt you'll ever beat Nanaba in anything."

You heard his heavy footsteps, running at you so you didn't even break a sweat when you simply moved to the right and gave him a firm kick to the stomach.

He howled in pain as he collapsed to the ground. "Y-You crazy bitch!" He screamed. "You deserve to be in the Underground!"

"That's right." You gave him an icy glare. "I do deserve to be in the Underground, but I climbed my way to the top, until I'm here on the surface. Remember, even if I look like some little girl, I'm still the Shadow King. I'm never giving that name up."

You left him there, continuing your walk back to the dorms, when you heard someone clapping.

"Hey, Levi." You said in a calm voice.

"Nice speech you gave back there." He said, and you shrugged.

"Well, I knew there was more of his friends, so I thought I'd give them a little scare as well." You told him.

"A little scare? He looks like he shit his pants." Levi said, and you cracked a smile. "Anyways, are you okay?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" You asked him with a puzzled expression.

"You're shaking. Lean on me." He gently guided your body closer to his and put your arm around his shoulders. "Don't push yourself too hard." He said softly.

"You don't have to take care of me. I'm not a baby." You pouted.

"...it'd be nice if you were mine though." You could swear you heard Levi mutter that under his breath, so your head snapped towards him.

"What was that?" You asked.

"Nothing." He replied.

I Promise | Attack on Titan: Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now