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"Hmm."  Someone grabbed me by the hair and lifted my head. Something was poured into my mouth. The strange substance burned like fire, making me cough and sputter. "No, I don't like that effect."

"W-who...?" The voice chuckled

"Here's a hint- four eyes." I coughed

"Reiji?" I felt something fall from my face, and suddenly I could see. Reiji was wearing a strange black coat. When I looked down, I saw that I was strapped to a table that was usually used for delivering children. I was only wearing a tattered t-shirt and my panties. "Why am I-"
He grabbed me by the hair again, pulling at me against the restraints.

"You're now my test subject. I can do whatever I want to you and no one will care." I grimaced.


Log for weeks 1-2:
Subject is resistant, and struggles often. I will enjoy punishing her later.

Log for weeks 3-4:
Subject has weakened. Her skin has become scaly and feathered after I started injecting her with the raven's DNA.

Log for weeks 5-6:
Subject has lost ability to see from her right eye after a test. Her left hand has been crippled to the point where it is unusable. I replaced it with one of the raven's claws.

Log for weeks 7-8:
Subject no longer speaks to me or yells in pain when I whip her. I have implanted part of the raven's brain into her head with her own. After the implant, she finally said something:

I can hear him. The one I'd forgotten. Quoth the Raven, Nevermore.

Log for weeks 9-10:
Subject has lost her will to live. Her ankles are twisted backwards at odd angles. I didn't correct them after a test. Because of this, she refuses to walk anymore, and so I must evdrag her between the rooms. She seems to have forgotten her past. I'll stop the DNA injections. The others wish to visit her. I think I'll allow it.


"Liu?" A sad voice echoed through the chambers. "Liu! Are you there?" It's familiar, but I don't remember...

"She has to be here, right Teddy?" Another voice. I hear the rattling of the bars on my cage.

"Look at me, Liu!" I rolled over on my cot and looked at the source of the voice. "Liu?" It was a group of young men. One with white hair was shaking the bars. Another is holding a teddy bear, standing beside one in a hat. A tall one with blonde hair is leaning against the wall next to a redhead with a strange fashion sense.


"What's he done to you?" The one with white hair seems to know me.

I crawled from my cot and dragged my useless legs across the jagged stone floor. My arms are covered in dirty black feathers. I wrapped them around the bars, slipping my clawed hand through them. I used my finger to trace in the dirt.


The albino cranes his neck to read it.

"Who are you, again?" He frowned "Do you not remember me? I'm Subaru." I flattened the dirt and wrote again:


"Who are you?! You're Liu!" He lowered his voice "Damn Reiji! I'll kill the bastard." I looked up at him. Tears filled his eyes and ran down his pale cheeks. Using my regular hand, I caressed his face and wiped his tears. The hatted one leaned down and took my clawed hand. He held it gingerly.

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