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I woke up again, this time I was still naked.


But I was untied. I grabbed my clothes off the floor and dressed myself. I tucked my dagger into my pocket.

Where is everyone?

"Subaru!?" I remembered. He was draped over the bed. I lifted him and pulled him close. He's still out.

I'm going to have to carry him. Can't leave him alone, with THEM here, and like this too.

I lifted the unconscious vampire onto my shoulders, dragging his feet behind me. Turning the corner, I saw a coffin. It was tied up, the chains rattling as the inhabitant struggled. I ran over to it.

"Your dagger." A quiet, cool voice rang out. "It's made of silver." The speaker laughed. "One stab to any vital area and we're dead! You could use it on these vampires that treat you like their prey!"

"Or I could use it on the vampires that raped me!" I spotted him. "Kou." He looked up at me.

"Ooh! Please have mercy!" He shrunk back in mock fear. I pulled the dagger. "Haha! You won't even get the chance to use that 'toy'!" He appeared behind me.

"WHERE ARE THEY!?" I slashed at Kou, the blade nicking his arm. He looked surprised.

"Put him down and fight me fairly!" Kou growled at me.

"I refuse!" I held Subaru's hands to my chest. "I'm never letting go." A muffled yell came from the coffin. Kou came close again, trying to grab Subaru away. I cut at him.

"Liu...?" Subaru groaned into my ear.

"Subaru, stay still. You're hurt." I stabbed Kou in the shoulder.

"AAGGHH!" Kou screamed. The blade shone like it was on fire. Subaru grinned. Kou fell backwards. "CRAZY BITCH!" He disappeared, teleporting away. I relaxed. Kou's blood was warm on my hands. I walked to the wall and laid Subaru down. While I was carrying him, I could feel that his ribs were shot. He still had cuts on his face. I pulled back my hoodie.

"Drink." I pressed his face to my shoulder. His fangs broke my skin and he began to slurp the vital liquid. Once he was done, he let go. I walked over to the coffin. There was a lock on the chains. Subaru stood up and walked over. He grabbed the chain and crushed the link. I thanked him and unraveled the bondage. I pulled off the lid, and Ayato sprang out onto me. Kanato was in there too, but he wasn't moving. "Kanato?" I lifted him from the wooden prison. He had a jagged slash across his chest.

"Azusa did this." Ayato placed his hands on his brother's chest. Ayato wasn't looking too good himself. He had blood running down his face and out of his mouth. "I'll carry him." Ayato scooped the broken vampire from my arms. I held Kanato's bloodstained teddy bear close to my heart.


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