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"Liu...please wake up."

I opened my eyes.

I can't move

There was a strange weight on my chest. I blinked, and realized what was on top of me

"Su-subaru." He opened his eyes and smiled sadly. I wrapped my arms around the crying vampire. He was sprawled out across me and the bed, my thin body covered by his muscular frame. this feeling?

"I was afraid..." He wept into my shoulder. I held him close, afraid to let go.


"I've never felt this way before." Subaru looked into my eyes.

"I haven't either." I smiled. For the first time in my 19 years of life I had made an expression besides a glare. Subaru leaned down and kissed me. His lips were soft against my own, and he tasted sweet. I wondered what my new life would be like here.


"So. How did you and Subaru hit it off?" Ayato spoke softly, like there was a sleeping lion in the room. Though, I doubt he would be afraid if there was a lion in the room.

"We have things in common." I rubbed the bandages on my neck. The wound Laito left still hurt. I closed my eyes and turned up the music.


So, Respectfully...


Not a piece of cake

For you to just discard

As you walk away

With the frosting of my heart

So I'm taking back

What's mine

You'll miss

The slice of heaven that I gave to you last night


My headphones were knocked away. Ayato was on top of me, and suddenly we were in my bedroom. The door shut, and Ayato began to grind against my womanly areas.

"I'm doing this because-" I struggled against his superhuman grip. "Ha- I like it when you struggle."I relaxed entirely, and in one swift motion, drew my feet up under Ayato's chest. I threw him against the wall and got up hurriedly. I wasn't fast enough, however. Ayato got up, and pinned me to the bed. He pulled aside my hoodie and bit my collarbone. I'm sure he was fully aware I'm low on blood. I stayed still as my life was drained. He pulled away after about a minute and whispered in my ear

"I can relate."


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! The song above is Cake by Melanie Martinez.
~I hope you enjoyed!


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