Spilled Milk

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Waking up, I realized yesterday was a big mistake. I mean, where to start? I'm surprised I'm not pregnant yet, and waking up covered in bite wounds isn't the most fun thing in the world. Especially if they're vampire bites.


Subaru obviously knew where I had been and what Shu and I did last night. He didn't speak. He just gave me a look that shattered my already fractured heart.

"And after what he said and did to you..." Subaru finally said.


"Save your breath." He snapped at me. The world around him seemed to swallow him, and he was gone. I rolled under the bed and began to cry.

"Subaru..." I sobbed, each breath rattled by tears. "You made me feel something." I'm actually crying. There's a stabbing pain in my heart. So, this is what it feels like to lose the love of someone you care about.


I held my knees to my chest as I lay under the bed. My cheeks were stiff from the tears and I could feel that my eyes were red. I tried to stop, but the tears just kept coming. They fell from my eyes like raindrops in a thunderstorm.

"Liu?" Subaru-kun? "Liu? Where are you?... Please... just answer me..." The sheets in front of my face shifted, and the albino delinquent was looking into my face. His eyes were red from crying, and there were streaks of tears on his pale cheeks. "I'm sorry. I just thought I'd be your first. Laito was enough, but now Shu too?" He just looked at me.

"Laito wasn't my first." He looked shocked.

"Then who wa-"

"I was raped by the Mukami brothers before I became a half-blood. But there's no use crying over spilled milk. It's said and done." He looked at me with an expression filled with anger and sadness. Memories of Azusa holding my nose shut and shoving himself down my throat flashed in front of my eyes. His maniacal grin as I choked. I closed my eyes and put my hands over my mouth. I felt a hand gripping my shoulder. Subaru pulled me out from under the bed and cradled me in his arms. He held me and the contact made me feel happy. He looked me in the face.

"I won't let that happen again."




Loneliness is an old friend

I've been broken

Undeniably, I can't be fixed

I put down the pencil and wrote another

Sweetly singing

Under the old tree

But there's something missing

A person?

Running now,

Under the hanging tree

I smiled, and wrote again


A feeling of missing

I can't place it

That one thing

One thing makes me whole

I wrote more and more, trying to formulate a story from it.

Seeking the sunrise

Hurting inside, I'm

Understanding it's normal


A girl,

You flinch

Away from me

Too close for comfort

Only wanting a friend

"What 'cha writing?" I slammed the book shut and teleported to the old willow tree outside the school. I'm not very friendly at school.


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