you say no

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Like I can - Sam Smith

•Slight smut is ahead•

"Come on Barry! I mean yeah she's a spectacular specimen but do you really think-" Matthew sighed cutting off his statement, it was annual ritual, everyday for the last month to convince Barry that Veronica wasn't the girl for him. "She doesn't even likes labels!" Barry groaned loudly, his hand running over the backs of his books. "Plus she's distracting you from your studies. We have a competition soon and you've been slacking! I mean you are hers and vice versa but she wouldn't allot you the title boyfriend"

"Come Matt, this constant badgering me about Ronnie is getting old. I don't understand why you can't just leave me be." He hissed, he slammed his locker closer. His face contorted into anger while he watched his best friend return his glare. "I've gotta go, we have sub again in Hackman" he excitedly stated, his smile washing over his face. The lights dimmed while the movie was paused from the scene. The same man sitting comfortably at her desk. Hackman's been getting sick a lot lately, that meant little work to do and more time Barry to admire Veronica. Betty and Veronica walked in, Veronica's smile capturing his attention. She smirked softly fluttering her fingers in his direction.

"Go" Betty hissed in annoyance, Veronica snapped her head in her direction. "You'd be texting him all period anyway" she groaned, Veronica bit lips softly.

"Move Scott" Veronica whispered, her head turning to the left, while Scott towered over her, trying to implement his dominance to her.

"M'sorry baby just missed the way you felt pressed up against me" he whispered, she scoffed loudly pushing him away from. He stumbled back slightly his hands snapping into the air. He moved to his seat, his eyes glued on Veronica's ass. He watched it sway towards Barry.

"What was that about?" He whispers, his hand snaking into hers, his thumb gently caressing her skin. She shivered slightly, her body responding to his in the sincerest way. Barry watched her, she wasn't going to tell him anything, he knew that much for sure. She shook her head, her body latching to his, her ass practically falling her own seat, but the comfort he provided made everything seem doable.

"You should come over tonight baby boy, I've missed you" she whispered, against his neck. Her tongue gently darting out carefully. Matt words flew into his head, he was right about the simple fact that she could be sleeping around on him since he has a name claim but not the actually title. She won't permit him to hold his hand in public, which fuels his insecurities.

"I can't tonight. I got to study" he shut her down, Veronica is bewildered, she backs away her eyes widening in confusion.

Did he just tell me no? She thought, her hand slipping away from his grip. "What's the matter with you" her attention fully on him

"Help me understand how you and Scott were very public with your relationship but when I ask for the simplest thing you shut me down. Why won't you- is that all am to you some play toy you can abuse and use in silence" he hissed softly, his voice laced vehement and frustration.

"Where is this coming from? We've been over this" she whispered

"No, you've talked I listen... I was completely understanding b-but-" he stopped, he remember the day vividly. She was pressed against him her hands tracing random patterns on his chest. It slipped out, he asked if "you were was his girlfriend?". She responded with "I really don't wanna do the whole labels or titles thing now", his continuation brought her to snap, bringing out a whole explanation which was uncalled for. Of course it brought out his insecurities but her simple kiss pushed it all away


"Barry, my name is Barry" he harshly whispered back, he removed himself from his seat. Veronica stood their shocked at his hasty movements. The door shut quietly, she pushed her hands in her hair letting out a low animalistic growl.

"Trouble in paradise?" A husky voice whispered, Veronica scoffed lightly before turning to Scott.

"Go away please" she played with her phone wondering if she should text him, telling him something he would want to hear, anything. But she couldn't being herself to do. She wanted him keep him to herself, having him her little secret. It wasn't that she was ashamed.

"Babe you need a real man, not that whatever you call that one" he whispered against her ear, his lips leaving light kisses against her neck. "He can't treat you like I can" his hand sliding up her legs, she clenched her thighs together, holding his hand. Her grip wasn't tight enough to prevent him. Maybe she didn't.

"Scott please just go away" she whispered, her hand pushing his back in his lap. Her voice lost in her throat.

"Come on, you know that little asshole can't please you like I can. He can't fuck you like I can" with each word his slow, his fingers dancing across her wetness. She breathed out slowly, her hand grabbing the side of his face, her breathy pants pressed against his mouth. His finger thrusting into her harshly, her wetness dripping to her butt, he teased her clit lightly. Letting his fingers pet over sensitivity.

"Oh fuck" she whispers softly, he groans lightly at her words. She sighed softly at she came into her high, her eyes watching the darkness in he eyelids. She whimpered softly, her face contorting into misery, her hand quickly ripping Scott's hand away from her core. "Oh my- I can't believe I-" she groaned softly detaching herself from his touch.

She scrambled away from him, her body sore and it was hard for her to keep her mind straight but she needed to get out that room.

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