she's american

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Fresh eyes by Andy Grammar

"Come on Ronnie, its only been 5 weeks, you can't be tired of him already. He's the hottest guy in school and you got him!" Betty snapped, trying to make Veronica see logic in her decision to her break up with the overused Scott. "Imagine him taking care of you! You not having to work- come on! He is the source of your happiness"

"Incorrect. I don't need a man to make me happy, I don't need him to take care of me, when I am perfectly able to handle myself! Even if I did want those things it wouldn't be that horny asshole" Veronica retorted back, Betty rolled her eyes at her statement.

"Honestly he's hot and I'd dick him down, but he's not into me or any other horrid girl in this school Vee he's into you!" Betty made known.

That wasn't the closest thing to the truth, Scott was a class one jackass that craved any girl that could offer him quick pleasure. He thinks with his penis and not brain, but according to Veronica "the space that his brain is suppose to occupy is vast and full of porno scenes that he wants to reenact."

Veronica waved her hand at her statement, they moved through the crowded halls bouncing from subject to subject. They laughed loudly, while they gained attention in halls.

Veronica wasn't a shy girl, she was loud and outgoing always voices her opinions no matter the circumstances brings. Her grades look like a stutter, constant C's and B's and the occasional D. She always went to parties, that was out of the question. She lived for getting high and getting drunk. It was the perfect escape from the real world, to be submerged in utter numbness. She didn't think about tomorrow just tonight.

Arriving to fourth period was dreadful, it was period right before lunch and it dragged on terribly. It seemed like the time slowed, the minutes seemed to take hours, and it was the absolute worst class to have right before lunch. English. Ms. Hackman was a 45 married woman with 5 kids that she loves to brag about. She was a sickly pale color. You could see the veins on her neck. She looked as if with one touch she'd break into a million pieces.

Nah, that bitch was Satan, and she knew it to.

"Did you do the homework?" Betty questioned, pulling out the typed paper she had. Veronica hissed loudly, no she wasn't gonna do the homework but if she would have taken the time to actually read the assignment then maybe she would've attempted it.

"Dammit!" She finally said

"I'm pretty sure you're failing this class" Betty acknowledged, Veronica watched the girl beside her taking in all her features. Her black sweater that rode up when she sat down, her navy blue jeans that her hugged her curves and the white pair of converse to match. She didn't know how she became friends with her, they were so opposite and yet they complimented each other so well.

"I'm pretty sure you're failing this class- shut the fuck up" Veronica mocked, Betty laughed slightly before handing her paper into Hackman. She crossed her arm over her flat breast, well her breast were touching her belly button, so she was touched her breast plate.

"Ms. Jones? Do you have the homework?" She questions.

"Do you see me handing you homework? So obviously I don't have it" Veronica sassed, Betty gave a warning glare to her best friend wondering how the hell she became friends with this girl.

"I'll see you after class" she huffed before walking away.

"Let's not get your hopes up doll" Veronica stated back

"She hates you" Betty laughed, Betty watched the girl in beside her. Her mind racing back to the day the first met back in middle school when Veronica was that it girl, she beautiful that you couldn't deny. She wasn't the smartest, Betty first inferred but getting to know the short tempered girl she realized that she was. She possessed a beautiful brain that made you think, she was thoughtful at times yes but an asshole the majority. Betty snapped out of her thoughts, her eyes scanning over the outfit she was wearing. A mustard crop top that  had big red letters on depicting Girl Power and very form fitting jeans that curved her ass just right.

"Don't you think I know that sunshine" she laughed, Betty scrunched her nose at the nickname that had feel upon her during the summer of 8th grade. "She'll get over it"

"Not unless you stay back" Betty stated, Veronica scoffed loudly.

"Then I'll definitely ace the class then" she chuckled to herself.

The bell finally rung after listening to Hackman ramble on about Othello, she didn't bother to read the book.

It was a Shakespeare book, there was a love triangle, someone gets betray, everyone dies. He was a morbid  soul.

"I'll see you later" Betty winked, Veronica flipped off before stomping to Hackman's desk. She stood their waiting for to acknowledge her presence, to say something.

Hackman sighed "I noticed you've been falling behind in my class, I don't know if by choice-"

"Yes" Veronica cut her off, Hackman growled loudly clearing her throat before scrolling through her desktop.

"Well you are endangered of failing so I'm giving you one last chance to redeem yourself, I'm giving you a tutor. He will help you on your studies and will prepare for your examine that will make or break your grade" she explained, her eyes not leaving the monitor.

"And if I say no to this crusade mission...?" Veronica questioned clearly uninterested in the words she was uttering.

"You'll fail and you'll have to deal with me again and I don't want that" she snapped her eyes finally looking at Veronica, she pressed her lips in a tight smile before agreeing to the terms.

"Veronica Jones meet Bartholomew Cooper, you're new tutor" Hackman stated, while standing up gesturing her hand toward the boy behind her. She sighed turning around catching a glance at him.

"Damn" she whispered lowly

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