33. Diary

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Day 1

Honestly, never written in a journal before, but Zayn found it for me and thought it was a good idea. A place to write down my ideas and get everything off of my chest. A way to get away from this putrid world for a bit.

So fuck it.

It's been quite busy around here, with Louis and Zayn planning on St. Mary and her walls. The bullet that passed by Louis head left a mark, but it's been healing quite well. To think that small thing knocked him unconsious, it was probably also that fall on the hard floor too.

Me and Louis decided to move into the mansion atop of the hill with Sophia and Lottie in there own rooms.

Me and Louis share a room, and a bed. It's a beautiful thing to wake up to in the morning, his scruffed up face and his ruffled bed hair. I could go on and on, but I'll stop here. Maybe I should give this a chance, it's quite relaxing.

I don't know how to end this so, I'll just put an


Day 2

The second day of this Journal thing. Not much has changed except for the amount of Walker's out.

We noticed there were survivors trapped in their houses and they've been helping with transferring food and other resources to us.

Something needs to happen to get rid of these Walker's and fast before more come. We need the walls back up.

Louis been quiet for the past few days, he gives me small reassuring kisses here and there, but it doesn't feel like it used to. Maybe I'm not ready for all of it. Maybe he's upset with me.

I don't know, it worry's me. But I still love him regardless, I have him back and that's all that matters.

This feels more like a diary then anything else, I kinda like it.


Day 3

Louis and I got into an argument.

He's under a lot of stress right now, but when I ask to help, he treats me like a child again. Does he not understand all the shit I've went through?? Everything that's happened till this point??

But there he goes, risking his life outside trying to fix this horrid place. We should've just left like I said in the beginning.

Why can't he just let me help??


Day 10

It's been a few days since I last argued with Louis. We still sleep in the same bed, but he leaves before I wake up and gets into bed late, avoiding me in between.

I talked to Zayn. He thinks we're both being childish at this point. But he told me Louis loves me too much for him to lose me again.

I cried myself to sleep yesterday night. I was being an immature brat while he's out there actually trying to make this place better for me and our family.

When he gets back today, I definitely need to talk to him and apologize.

I miss my boobear.


(Update: the talk went well and he gave me a small peck before holding me close and pulling me into bed :) )

Day 50

All the walkers are mostly gone. We managed to get the main gate door back up but there's still a breach somewhere letting those monsters in.

Undead AngelsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora