3. Face to Face

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"What the fuck??"

The man lunges at Harry, pinning him on his back, each leg at his side. He reaches for his machete on top of the table and places it right on Harry's neck. At this point, Harry's hands are up and he's terrified. Yes, he did hit the man and yes, he did knock him out cold, but he shouldn't be killed for his mistake.

"Wait Wait please let me explain!" Harry panicked but managed to get it out. The man still held up the machete to Harry's neck, "And why shouldn't I kill you right now for trespassing into my house?"

Harry is literally shaking right now and he doesn't know what to do, "please just let me talk."

The man allows Harry to get up, the weapon still centimeters away from killing him. "Okay, my name's Harry and I am so sorry for coming into your house, there was someone chasing me and I saw this house so I came inside and I didn't see anyone and then there were more people outside and the I thought you were one of them an-"

Harry then gets interrupted by the man cackling out loud and throwing his head back. "Kid, those aren't people. Well, atleast not anymore". The look on Harry's face is confused but also worried, he just stares at the man waiting for him to explain further.

"What happened to them?" Harry proceeds to ask. The man then gives Harry a concerned look, "Where have you been kid? Have you been in a coma this whole time?"

"No, I woke up today in the woods and don't remember anything from before". The man then seems more concerned, his face turning serious in a matter of seconds. At this point, Harry has calmed down a bit but is still curious as to what the man is trying to explain. "Kid, you've missed too much, everythings changed," he says in a stern tone, as if he's not even attempting to spare Harry's feelings.

"A few weeks ago, there was this outbreak. People started turning into these cannibals, tearing each other apart. Once you get bit by one you turn into one and never go back. Basically dying and coming back to life but not as yourself, once back, you start attacking people and try tearing them apart."

The shock on Harry's face was heartbreaking. He couldn't believe what he was just told, but the only thing that came to mind was his mum. "I can't - w-what even.. where am I?" He's now sitting on the couch, head in his hands, eyes getting watery.

"A few miles from London." He states, hes also a bit more calm by now, but his guard still up. He's standing in front of Harry, but doesn't go to comfort the poor boy. The man notices that the boys is now on the verge of crying and he leaves to the back of the room, poor kid doesn't know what he's gotten into.

Harry's still down when he feels a tap on his shoulder. Looking up, he sees the man handing him a blanket.

"Get some rest, you look like you need it". Harry chuckles, "and I'm sorry again for hitting you over the head, I didn't know if you'd kill me or not". The man smirks and whispers under his breath, "yet". Harry's eyes immediately open wide and his face turns into horror. "I'm only joking kid, lighten up a bit" he reassures, Harry then gives a small chuckle but is still in disbelief.

Harry takes the blanket and covers his body, his head laying on the edge of the sofa and his feet hanging off of the side. The man takes the bed in the back and falls asleep almost instantaneously. Harry still awake attempts to fall asleep but his occupied with the horrible memory of his mother and the darkness that is to come.


Harry is awoken by the sound of someone banging on the door. He forces his eyes open and shifts up, stretching his limbs as he gets up and starts to look around. The man is gone. The bed made and no sign of him here. Harry's a bit disappointed because the man knew what was going on more than he understood it.

He looks towards the front and remembers that the window is broken, glass still scattered all over the floor. Cautiously, he moves forward and creeps to the door. Looking through the small hole in the door, he realizes it's one of those things. He starts to walk backwards, his heel getting caught on the rug that is layed down on the floor, he falls backwards. Landing on his bum accompanied by a loud thud, fuck.

He attempts to get back up, but as soon as he gets into a sitting position, the thing manages to make his way into the house through the window, attracted to the noise that Harry made when he fell. Quickly, Harry tries to scurry back but it's too late, the thing has already gotten a tight grip on his ankle. He panics, kicking at it and pulling so hard away from it. Using his other leg to push it away at the same time. Adrenaline kicking in and his heart flying right out of his chest. He closes his eyes and bites on his bottom lip, tears streaming down his face, he prepares himself for the pain he is about to endure through when its teeth approach his leg.

Suddenly, the grip is loosened and the things head lands on the floor.

"I leave for two seconds and you've already managed to come face to face with death, amateur" the voice scoffs.

Harry finally manages to open his eyes and is met with the machete driven right into the middle of the things head. Blood oozing out. He looks up to see the blue-eyed man and his smirk. Harry then jolts himself up to hug the man for saving his life but is almost instantly pushed back.

"Umm.. th-thank-you" he stutters out. The man then proceeds to take the machete out of the things head and places it back on his belt. He looks down to Harry and shakes his head, bending down to take the things legs and pull him out of the cabin. As he does that, Harry gets up and walks towards the door. "I'm sorry I've never asked but, what's your name?" The man pauses and takes a deep breath in before he says,


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