20. St. Mary

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It's been a couple of days that Harry and Sophia stumbled upon St. Mary. They've stayed with Luke the whole time and the only time they step out of the small house is when they take a walk every now and then around the small town. The people seem sweet and happy, adults mostly, and some teens, but no children, which was odd.

Today, Harry was asked by Luke if he could accompany him to check the perimeter since it was his turn. Harry gladly accepted, thinking now he can finally help around and not be such a burden.

Before they set off, Harry left Sophia with the old lady nextdoor, but not without giving her a stern talking to.

"I want you to listen to Mrs. Frank and be a good girl for me, okay? And if anything happens, I want you to run and don't stop, I will find you, okay?"

"Okay Uncle H!!"

And with that, Harry headed out the gates, with Luke leading him out. Harry carried his pistol and Luke carried a baseball bat covered in spikes. That thing could scramble a brain nicely.

They began walking in silence, but it was more of a comforting and relaxing silence. The sound of leaves rustling, few small animals running in the forest and crushing leaves. As if the undead never existed.

Harry takes a glimpse at the man next to him, he's swinging his bat and nodding his head as if he we're listening to music, a big grin on his face accompanies it.

These past few days, Harry and Luke have gotten very close. Luke makes Harry laugh and Harry makes Luke happy. The two were inseperable, anywhere Luke would be, Harry would be right next to him.

One lady even asked if they were together, Luke turned to the blushing Harry and gave him a big smirk before replying, "he's beautiful, ain't he?" Then woman agreed and walked past them. Luke then proceeded to put his hand on the small of Harry's back, the warm sensation feeling delightful and comforting.

The two continued walking through the forest until they reached a huge tower. It looked hand made, old broken cars surrounding it and supporting it. Luke begins to walk towards it and starts climbing the ladder at the side of it. Harry follows.

They reach the top and Harry gasp. Treetops for miles and buildings sticking out from afar. Harry instantly brings out his camera and snaps a picture, positing the sun right at the middle.

Luke stands back and admires the fascination in Harry's eyes.

Luke begins making a daring move, he steps forward and places his hands on Harrys waist, smoothly gliding them in like a key through a lock. Harry jumps at the sensation, accidentally clicking the button and snapping a picture of the floor of the tower. The hairs on Harrys body begin standing up and he's frozen in place, not knowing what to do, he allows Luke to do whatever. Luke slides his hands gently along Harry's side and comes in close. Luke presses his face against Harrys curls, Harry's cheeks begin to flush, but he doesn't have the will to stop any of it. He's too consumed into the affection he's receiving from the older man. He loves it.

Luke then presses his lips to Harry's ear, but not before he whispers,

"You don't know how bad I want you Styles. Can I have you?"

Harry looks at the horizon, the sun is high up in the sky, no clouds in sight. It really is a beautiful day. As if he lost control of his body, he suddenly finds himself relentlessly nodding.


In a swift motion, Harry was now pinned against the wall by the older lad. Luke instantly connects his lips to Harrys neck and begins making love marks all over, releasing a moan from Harry. Luke has been ready to tear Harry up ever since he lad eyes on the curly-haired man, he was beginning to become anxious and at any moment, he would've grabbed him and destroyed him in his own kitchen. But he controlled himself, he needed Harry's consent.

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