4. Gratitude

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Silence filled the room. Right after Louis told Harry his name, he walked inside and started sharpening his weapons at the table. Harry sat on the chair across from him and started to observe. Louis had brown, luscious hair that formed into a fringe over most of his face. His body size was small but toned, he was wearing a cut up dark shirt, black jeans, and had one black glove on his left hand. He was sharpening his machete and it looked like he had many more in his bag. Overall, he was a man Harry was afraid of and would avoid getting him mad. He's been fine so far with Harry staying and hasn't said one word about him being a bother.

"So kid, where you headed?"

Harry's heart drops, in his mind, all hope is now lost and there's no way he could survive on his own in this messed up world.

"I-I don't really know. I'd want to find my mum but I have no idea where she'd be since we came here to visit London." His voice staggered and afraid.

"There was a camp set up in London where everyone went to before the outbreak, she might be there".

I could head there to find her. But what if she's not there? Then what?

Louis notices the worry on his face and tries to help him. "I could take you there but I won't be there long, I'm headed to the coast." That lit up Harry's hope and he lifted his head up, a big smile on his face. "Really?? Thank you so much" he exclaims. Louis continues "but. We have to get you familiar with the walkers and then we can head out". Walkers? Like old people walkers?

"Walkers?" He ask in a curious tone.

Louis sees the confusion in his eyes, "I call those things that try to kill you walkers". Oh that makes sense.

At that moment, Harry's stomach makes the biggest growl that fills up the cabin with its noise. "Sorry.." he says in a shy, whisper voice.

"Hungry huh?" He gets up and walks to the kitchen grabbing a knife, sitting back down and grabbing a can from his bag. "Love, can you grab two spoons from the drawer right behind you?"


The word tingled in Harry's mind. Louis was warming up to Harry but still seemed tense around him. Wouldn't blame him because theres a stranger in his home. But the word made him feel warm inside, even if he was overreacting, it was comforting.

He hands Louis a spoon and Louis hands him a can of spaghetti's. Harry looks at the can for a few seconds, wishing life didnt have to end up like this.

"Is there a problem?" Louis ask in a stern and serious voice.

"Uh n-no no nothing's wrong, I'm just not used to this". Harry felt weird, he was so accustomed to hot meals and this cold spaghetti felt strange. It finally hit him that this was life now, scavenging to survive and saving every single resource if it's not used.

"Thank-you Lou"

There was silence once again, Louis jumped at the nickname Harry gave him. He just ignored it and asked, "for what?"

"For saving my life, for allowing me to stay with you. Without you, I think I would've died". He sighs as he takes a spoon full of spaghetti's and put it in his mouth. Cringing at how cold it was.

"Oh," he's a little shocked at first but then says "you're welcome" under his breath, hoping Harry didn't hear him.

He heard him and smiled.


After they've finished eating, Louis decided to teach Harry about how to kill the walkers.

"The only way to take them down is at the head" he repeats. The Walker has his head in the window and is desperately trying to come inside. Harry is standing behind Louis with fear shown all throughout his body.

"I-I can't do this-s" he repeats, shaking with the machete in his hand. All he has to do is take one quick swing and this will all be over, Louis says in his head. He's becoming impatient and is about to take the machete from his hand until the Walker makes its way inside. Falling as it comes in, Harry takes the machete, closes his eyes, and drives it right through the walkers head. A small squeak is heard from Harry as he hears the skull crack and the brain smush. He drops the machete, running to the trashbin and leaning over. Retching all of the food he just had a while ago. Louis walks over to him and reaches his hand out to touch his back, hesitating at first but bringing his hand to gently draw circles on Harry's back.

"Harry", he whispers. Harry looks up at him, some curls getting in the way of his vision. "You killed your first Walker", he starts to laugh and Harry draws a quick smile on his face before he's letting out more food into the bin.

After Harry was done letting all of the contents in his stomach out, Louis pulls out a map, drawing a line and pointing at certain parts.

"We're here, and we need to walk a few miles to get to London". Harry watches him as he talks, noticing his rough voice and how his beautiful crystal blue eyes are so focused on the map.

"Harry. Are you even listening?"

Harry is quickly taken out of his trance and his attention is now towards the map. His cheeks are blushed red of embarrassment. "Yeah, uh sorry. Was thinking of my mum, I'm worried sick for her" Harry lies in an attempt to save his dignity.

"We should head out early tomorrow morning then. Get some rest."

Louis walks towards his bed, kicking off his shoes and shirt. Harry is mesmerized with the mans chest and the many tattoos his enriching body has to offer. Harry is left in awe and is shook out of it when his eyes meet that of the mans. He quickly moves to the sofa, taking off his boots but leaving all his clothes on. He takes the blanket and covers his body. This time, he isn't worried as much as he was. This time he has Louis, or so he hopes.

In Harry's mind, Louis is a blue-eyed angel in a world that belongs to the undead.

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