Chapter 1

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It's the only thing I can hear and it's making my head pound. It's thumping at a constant beat, pumping blood throughout my system one heartbeat at a time.

"Enjolras," I hear a voice say in the distance.

I try to make out who it is, but I can't. All is black around me. Is this what drifting away feels like?

"Enjolras!" the voice persists.

There it is, the constant buzzing sound in my ears that seems to be amplified everytime that person shouts my name. My head feels like it's about to explode.

And then, just like that, all falls silent. Every noise I could possibly hear is gone. I can't hear my heart anymore, but I can still feel it pounding against my chest. Everything has gone black. Everything is empty...

But wait. What is that over there? I believe it's a small spot of light. Maybe it's a sign. Maybe I could just extend my hand and touch-


My eyes open in a flash as I jolt up, knocking my head on a hard surface.

"Ow!!" I hear someone mutter.

I look up and realize that I'm on a couch, in Café Musain, with a very annoyed-looking Marius rubbing his forehead next to me.

"What happened?" I ask, still a little bit groggy.

"You blacked out."


I readjust myself to a comfortable sitting position and look at Marius, who's just staring at me like I'm a desperate cause.

"You know, Enjolras, next time you decide to wake up in a jolt, can you give me a head's up? Like, literally."

"I had the dream again," I tell him. "I'm alone, in nothing but emptiness..."

"You are seriously starting to freak me out. It's been what, five days straight?"

"Hey, I'm freaking myself out. There was something different about it this time, though..."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

I shake my head.

"Probably nothing..."

"Enjolras," Marius starts. "If Faith is trying to send you a message, the least you could do is listen."

I sigh.

"Fine. I saw a light," I admit. "It wasn't big, but it was there."

"Well, good. At least your thoughts aren't as dark as they pretend to be."

I shove him in the shoulder, grinning.

"My thoughts are none of your business."

"On the contrary, mon ami. Your thoughts became my business once they knocked me in the forehead."

"Well then maybe they should've knocked you harder."

Marius smiles as he grabs a bottle.

"Here," he says, lending it out to me. "Grantaire left us a batch for the evening."

"The evening? Wait, what time is it?"

I frantically look outside and see that the sun is setting. Oh, no. This is bad. I grab my jacket and get up, quickly rushing towards the stairs.

"What's gotten into you?" Marius asks.

"Thénardier," I reply, putting my jacket on. "I was supposed to meet him before sundown."

"Thénardier? What are you doing talking to that low-life bastard?"

"It's complicated... Look, I have to go. I'm already late."

"Nothing's complicated when it comes to Monsieur Thénardier."

"Okay, fine. I made a deal with him. Now, I really have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait. What kind of deal?"

"I'll see you tomorrow, Marius. Tell the boys to be ready. We've got a big day ahead of us."

I rush down the stairs before he has time to protest. Less than ten seconds later, I'm out the door and heading towards Thénardier's inn. I have to get there before the sun sets, or else it will have all been for nothing.

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