Sans waited until she was finished with her explanation, and when she was, her eyes were glistening and wide, like they always were when she was proving how smart she was.

Frisk thought that she had gotten her point across, and she smiled when she saw how speechless Sans was.

Except, he wasn't speechless, only waiting.

When he finally spoke, he was smiling and he said, "Funny you should say so, because it seems like you won't give us information unless you get something in return."

Frisk's smile fell, and her eyes turned back to their bland green as they darted to the side, realization sinking in.

Though she wouldn't give up easily, and she replied, "It's different for business. Like your servants. You pay them to work for you, you don't force them."

"Exactly what I thought you'd say," Sans said, receiving a sharp glare from Frisk, "So, I have a deal for you."

Frisk laughed a bit, and smiled slightly to herself for being right about something.

This is when he threatens her, yells at her to give him information for her life.

Except when Sans continued, ignoring her harsh laugh, he said, "If you will give me information, I will give you my own."

Frisk stopped laughing, her mind suddenly at full attention for what he had to say.

Information on himself?

Isn't that what she had been working for in the last five years?

How could he just so easily give it away?

That's when she thought it could be another trick.

As tempting as the offer was, he could have meant that she gives him a bunch of information, and he gives her one little fact, then goes on his way.

So, she decided to ask for more details, saying, "... How do you mean..?"

He shrugged and replied, "An eye for an eye. Question for a question. Answer for and answer."

When Frisk thought it through, she realized it was quite a clever tactic.

He must've known that she couldn't resist learning about him, the mystery she had been trying to decode for five (almost six) years.

And he couldn't risk loosing the information she had.

He needed it somehow, and this was the perfect way to obtain it.

Although the thing that puzzled Frisk, was the fact that he had hid that knowledge from her for years, never letting her have a glance or even peek at what could be going on in his head.

How could he just all of a sudden give that information up?

'Because you don't work for Cortex anymore, and you aren't going anywhere,' She told herself, staying silent for a while, 'If you can't tell anyone about his information, why would he hide it from you?'

Frisk then wondered why she was keeping the information from them in the first place.

She of course, had her reasons, but they were all fading to dust each second she was in The Underground.

They were too different from Cortex, better than Cortex, and it was shocking to her how her mind had been so used to the five years in that awful facility, she expected everything to be that way.


She knew better then that.

She had studied psychology and the humans mental qualities, she should know better than to let herself be a victim to it.

Mafiatale - An Eye For An Eye (SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now