That jackass...

I'm not really an emotional person. I don't express my emotions as much as a normal person would but if I stay in school, I would just burst into freaking tears so I decided to go home.

By the time, I reached home it was about seven o'clock. Wow. I really did reach to school early.

Nylon's car in the driveway and Donna's isn't. Great.

I sneaked in and went straight up to my bedroom. I tried to cry but nothing came out so I stayed there and I slept.

When I started to get hungry, I went downstairs to make lunch.

I made a sandwich and walked to the TV Room to go eat.

As soon as I walked through the door, Nylon was sitting there.

"What are you doing here?!"

"What are you doing here?" he asked back.

I sat down and ate my sandwich.

Wait a minute. What the fuck is he watching?

"Nylon, what is this?"

"Tuck Everlasting, why?"

"No offence but I hate this movie. Can you please change the channel?"


I pouted. "Please."

He got up and sat next to me. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "That won't work."

"Really?" I said. I passed my hand along his collarbone and he shivered.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"I'll get it!" Nylon said and ran out the room as if his pants were on fire.

"Hey dude." I heard him say. "She's right here."

Then he brought the phone to me.

"Hey babe. Why aren't you here? Are you sick?" Jeremy asked.

I didn't't respond. I didn't say anything. I just simply pressed that red button.

"Um, you know you just hung up right?" Nylon said.

"I'm not retarded. I'm aware of my actions."

Then I walked up to my bedroom and lay down once again.

I couldn't fall asleep so I put on the radio and listened to music.

When it was about 3 o'clock, I saw Jeremy's car pull up in my driveway. I ran downstairs, told Nylon to tell him I'm not here and ran back upstairs.

I did the only thing I could thing I could think of- I went out into my balcony and climbed on to Guy's balcony. Luckily his balcony door wasn't locked.

Almost as soon as I stepped into his room, he emerged from what I guessed was the bathroom in only a towel on. He was dripping wet and I could see his abs perfectly.

"Why are you in my house?" 

"Please help me." I pleaded. "I'm kinda hiding from someone."

He laughed. "Ok."

The doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." I said.

"No, I'll get it. It is my house." he said.

We both went to open the door and there stood Nylon and Jeremy.

How did they find me? Oh yeah, I left the balcony door open. It would take a stupid person to not realise I was here.

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