The Time Has Come

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I couldn't sleep that night. All I could think about was Nylon. I seriously didn't want to admit it but I think I managed to fall even more in love with him. He can be a total dickhead sometimes but I couldn't help it. I have to tell him but I think I'm way too scared of his reaction. What if he laughs in my face? After all, he is a womanizer.

At about 10, Donna came into the room. I pretended to be asleep so that I wouldn't have to talk about relationship shit. Eventually, I fell asleep.


I was woken up by someone violently shaking me.

"Get up!" Donna yelled at me.

I rolled over, grabbed my phone from the side to look at the time. 8:11. "Donna, why are you waking me up at eight o'clock ON A SATURDAY?''

"We need to talk.'

"Donna, this is getting kind of annoying. Let's talk about something else."

I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. She followed me. "I just wanted to tell you that my dad is out of the hospital so Nylon and I will be moving back later."

That took me by surprise. "Really?" I turned around to face her. "I'm going to miss yelling at you to clean up after yourself."

"Don't worry, we'll still have sleepovers all the time!"

She hugged me then told me that she was going to pack her stuff.

I brushed my teeth and took a shower. When I got out, I looked for Donna so that I could help her pack but I couldn't find her. I decided to go over by Guy's. I knocked on his door a few times but I got no answer.

Where is everyone?

Please, I silently prayed, Nylon don't be home!

Thankfully, his car wasn't in the driveway. Wait a minute. I'm home. Alone. Yes!

I went inside, put on the stereo really loud and went into my room. I lied down on my bed and starting thinking. Should I tell Nylon? No, I shouldn't. Maybe I should. When did this happen to me? I feel like I'm in some shitty teen movie.

All of a sudden, the stereo came off. Did I put a timer on it? I ran downstairs to put it back on. When I walked into the TV room, Nylon was standing there with the remote in his hand. Oh, and did I mention that he was shirtless? Fuck!

"Um, can you turn the stereo back on? I was listening to that!"

Nylon turned to face me. "Oh sorry, I didn't realise."

My eyes seemed to have a mind of its own because it kept glancing at his abs. "Yeah, it's ok. What time are you guys leaving?"

He smirked. "Can't wait to get rid of me, huh?"

"Not everything is about you. I just wanted to know."

"Ok, well, we're leaving around 5."

He was about to leave but then he turned around and asked, "Do you know what's Jeremy's deal with your friend, Guy?"

Before I could think about what I was saying, I said, "He thinks I'm in love with him."

"Are you?" he asked cautiously.

"No, I'm not. Plus he's gay."

"W-what? He is?"


Nylon's P.O.V

Well, this is a surprise. I knew that Jeremy thought that Jordi was in love with Guy so I just had to ask her myself. I never thought that Guy was gay though- he doesn't seem so but I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

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