Admitting the Truth

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Jordi's P.O.V.

I guess One Direction isn't for everyone, I thought as Nylon stormed out.

"So?" Donna persisted.

"So what?"

"Who is it?"

"I don't want to say."

Then she got this look on her face as if she just had an epiphany or something. "I know who it is."

I didn't even blink. "No you don't You don't even know him."

"You're lying. I can tell. You haven't blinked for the past minute or so."

Shit! I really need to learn to blink like a normal human being when I'm lying. "I was blinking. You probably didn't see because I was probably blinking at the same time you were because it looked like you weren't blinking either."

Did that make sense? 

"Jordi, is it who I think it is?"

I give up. I really do. I don't even wanna pretend anymore so I ask, "Who do you think it is?"

"I don't think I know who it is. I know who it is. And don't worry I'll get you two together if it's the last thing I do." she said, determined.

"What do you mean? I never said I actually wanted to be with him. Who are you to come out of nowhere after you have been MIA for so long and decide that you get to run my life?" 

I don't know where that came from but I guess I just needed to say it. I barely see Donna anymore and now when I see her, she wants to set me up with her brother?

"Where is this coming from? I'm not trying to run your life! I thought that you liked him so I wanted you two to be together. You've been lusting after him for years now- which I don't get by the way."

"You may mean it to be all well and good but ever since we were little, you have been running my life and telling me what to do. That's being a terrible friend because you hadn't even realised. You just led and expected me to follow all the time."

She scoffed and got off the bed. Towering over me she began, "I'm a terrible friend? How many times have you visited my father when he was in the hospital? How many times have you asked me how my father has been doing? Oh and in case you were wondering, Chris and I broke up. Two days ago."

My mouth went dry. She stormed out of the room, fuming. I really am a terrible friend.  I can't believe it but it's true. I never once went to visit Donna'a dad or inquired how he was but honestly, how was I    supposed to know she and Chris broke up.

Realising how shitty a friend I really was, I rushed after Donna, hoping she hadn't left yet. By the time I ran outside, she was driving away. I dashed swiftly behind the car trying to catch her attention but she didn't even look back.

I was just about to hop in my car and follow her when the strangest thing happened- Nylon stepped out of Guy's house. Why is Nylon coming out of guy's house. He hates him!

"What's with her?" Nylon asked, referring to Donna speeding away.

"We had a fight." I said sullenly.

He looked surprised, "Really? But you guys never fight! What happened?"

"Sorry Nylon. As much as I'd like to stay and talk to you, I have to go talk to her."

 "Ok fine. Do you want a ride? I'm going there anyway."

"No that's ok. I'll take my own car."

I ran outside my house to fetch my car keys and ran back outside to my car. I hopped iin and sped off. Nylon was right behind me, trailing me. When I finally pulled up to the house, Donna's car was not in the driveway. Great, I thought. Where could she be? 

I thought really hard about all the places she could be but I came up with nothing. I had no idea where she was. Meanwhile Nylon went inside his house.

Since I had no idea where Donna was, I thought of what I could do to gain her forgiveness.

One hour later, I returned to Donna's house and her car still wasn't in the driveway so my plan began. I grabbed the stuff from my car and walked towards the car but I had too many things in my car to knock on the door or anything. The balloons would blow away if I let go so I bent down and used my nose to press the doorbell. At once, the door was opened. It was Donna's dad.

"Jordi! What a pleasure it is to see you! How have you been? You can come in." He said, gesturing for me to come in.

"I'm good. How have you been?" I asked as I stepped inside.

"What's all this?"

"It's for Donna. I really need to apologize to her. Do you mind if I go put this stuff in her room?"

"Sure, go ahead. Do you need any help?" 

"Oh no. That's ok. I'm fine."

I walked up the stairs and walked down the long hallway to Don's room. I tied each balloon to different parts in her room and placed flowers and chocolate all over the place. This may seem pretty romantic but it's not and it's the only thing I could think of since she loves all those things (she's a romantic, bleh).

I sat on Donna's bed and waited for her to retuen home. About an hour kater, she did, Her expression was one of shock and tears started to stream down her face slowly. "You obviously have nothing to do with your time."

She was mocking me- that's a good sign. "Donna, I'm really really sorry for what I said and I'm sorry that I was such a horrible friend. Will you please forgive me?"

"Of  course I forgive you, I'm sorry too! I shouldn't have said anything either."

I got up and hugged her and she hugged me back.

"Ok, so I've made up my mind. I am in love with your brother and  need your help."

She smiled deviously, "I thought you'd never ask."


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Love you! -SarcasmRocks

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