And This is how it Starts

Start from the beginning

I attempt to look for Jamie, but that lasts all of eight seconds, with having a different body blocking my peripheral view every passing beat of the bass. I give up and let some girl grind behind me, turning to face her as she grips my hips so we can move in sync. She's quite pretty from what I can see in the flashing lights. Her hair is rather pale, like a pastel purple, shoulder length and in some sort of messy braid, loose tendrils falling. Her outfit is similar to mine, only a much lighter color than my black on black, but its ironic when she starts saying, "dressed in black from head to toe, got guns hidden under our petticoats," with one hand in the air, finger pointed, bobbing along to the beat as her other hand remains on my hips, smiling madly at me.

I realize then that she's actually singing the song I couldn't quite hear, and I begin to actually put some effort into my footing, nodding my head to the beat, letting my hair flip over and such, singing so loudly to familiar lyrics that I think my voice is going hoarse.

"Hey, what's your name love, I haven't seen you about here before," she leans in and screams in my ear.

"Marcy - are you a regular here?"

She nods her head, "I'm Louise! And yeah, I go to the Uni down the avenue, so it's a bit of hot spot, though I haven't seen you around campus either, oh but you're so lovely, I just want to take you home!" Her forwardness actually brings a smile to my face and I feel a bit at ease with her, but I shake my head.

"Oh! I don't like girls - I mean I do, but not like -"

She rolls her eyes, still grinning madly, "Relax, I have a boyfriend anyway - what about you?" and I hesitate for a bit.

"A bit complicated," I settle on, and she tsks at me and tells me to drop him. I nod, obediently, but she doesn't need to know I won't actually heed her advice. "Hey, is it usually this crowded? My friend told me some band members were here?"

Her eyes are bright with delight, "Looking to get laid by a rockstar, tonight, huh mate?"

My eyes widen, "What? No! I just-"

She grabs hold of my hand and weaves me through the crowd, not faltering at all as I trip a bit. "It's alright," she yells, "I've got you, just follow my lead, yeah? Let's have some drinks?"

And like that, its an hour in, I've never been this tipsy before, everything is way too sluggish, but the music is amazing, Louise is amazing, her hands on my hips, guiding me like before, I'm tossing my head back and my dress is hiking; I feel sultry. I think we're facing some guys, not too sure anymore, I vaguely hear Jamie catcall then disappear with the Cougar again and Louise probably asks me who he was, but I laugh at nothing, smile at the air, tumble over bodies, losing her somewhere, jumping to the music that was more prominent now that I was closer to the speakers and stealing a drink or two from uncaring party goers.

Hands are at my waist now, and its unfamiliar. I think for a moment it's Louise, but the hands seem bigger, wider, nearly covering my whole midsection, and when I lean back, they are sizably taller in height. "Having fun then, love?"

I nod my head, "lots of funnnn!" I turn to face him, his grin blinding and brilliant and I want to be wrapped up in it even if it doesn't make sense. His sunglasses are pushed to the top of his head, his hair falling to one side and he's absolutely decked in black and, "I know you!"

He chuckles and I want that sound to be on the playlist of my life, "Do you, now?" I nod my head, maybe a bit too eagerly because my head spins. He steadies my shoulders, his face laced with concern, "alright, darling?" and I think, no, I'm absolutely not, because, wow, I'm actually swooning, and how is this my life right now, I definitely must be dreaming.

I smile a bit, completely struck, "Perfect. Hi."

The grin is back on his face and I'd give my life away to make sure it's never fading. Of course, if I ever remember this thought process I think I might die of embarrassment. "Hello," he says to me, his hands slip from my shoulders to down to my hands, tugging them around his neck before placing his massive hands on the small of my back. "So what's your name then?"

"Marcy," I breath out.

He bites his lips, my eyes stay trained on it for too long, "Are you here alone, Marcy?"

"I had a friend, but he left, I made another friend though, but she left, also. Huh. I thinks she's got a boyfriend anyway," I ramble.

"And you?" He asks, and I don't remember when exactly we got backed to a wall, a mirrored wall in the back, at that. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

And I don't think he really cares much of the fact, but I tell him no anyway, except it's not exactly a lie, but it's not quite the truth either. "I really love your music," I blurt out, absolutely flustered, cheeks heated, eyes wide and yes, this has to be a dream; I'm not even old enough for this club yet.

He laughs, "Yeah? Thanks babe! I really love, very pretty," but I don't remember fixing it up much, a messy French braid to the side, that's probably deranged by now, but I giggle and take the compliment anyway, because why not?

"You're album was the best I've ever bought," and I might wish I had some kind of filter but then he says

"Yeah? Come tell me why it's the best?" he nods towards the exit and I've never been more willing. It's the alcohol maybe, or my inner fangirl come out and I can't quite bring myself to care.

It's a lot more quiet when we reach outside, the club was literally blaringly loud, and before I can over think anything, I push him against the wall and press my lips against his in an awkward and messy kiss and I feel him kiss back, I do, but I pull away too quickly, almost mortified.

He chuckles at my eagerness but my mind is reeling and, really. What's wrong with me? This isn't a movie or fanfiction or something, and I think I'm sobering up because I realize how humiliating that was and I curse Louise for leading me in this situation somehow with her lilac hair and seductive demeanor and I curse Jamie too because this is by far all his fault, and ohmygod ohmygod, I'm such an idiot, "Sorry I thought - "

"It's alright," he says, pushing off the wall and stepping closer to me, covering my lips with his own, his hands cup my jaw, fingertips pressing down as he tilts my head to the side, just a little bit, deepening the kiss, slow, gentle and the barest hint of tongue.

I reach for his waist, taking a step forward, leaning up as much as I could with these heels on, my fingers dig into his sides, and I'm trying to ground myself more that anything as his tongue traces my lips.

They part easily, my tongue brushing his, trying to get closer to him. His hands slips down my back, sliding over the curve of my ass. A small moan escapes my lips and he's smiling into the kiss. When he pulls away, his eyes are low and devilish, "Come back to mine?"


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