74- Battle of Aslan's How Part 2

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400 likes!? Oh my Aslan, this is unreal. I'm glad you guys like to read this because I LOVE writing this story so much! Keep being awesome. Ciao xx

Chapter Inspiration:

- Titanium ~ David Guetta ft. Sia

- Run ~ Jasmine Thompson (submitted by coolcat1002)

Right out of the gate, I used my 360 swing, hacking and slashing ruthlessly. Adrenaline took over my system and I continued to battle three at once. I blocked a thrust and then parried another, cutting them down.

Block. Thrust. Duck. Thrust. Parry. Block. Kick. Thrust. Block. Parry. I took down five and then looked around. Peter was a few feet away, doing well. I noticed an abandoned sword on the ground and picked it up, using my left hand as a killer as well.  

I continued to fight my way through the sea of battle. As I parried a blow, I couldn't help but smile. I have missed this too much. I used all the pain, frustration, and sadness of the past year and took it out on the Telmarines I faced. I was so in thought, I didn't notice the Telmarine coming at me. They sliced across my face, leaving a bloody gash. A hiss escaped through my teeth as I knocked them down.

After several more encounters, I surveyed the area in front of me. My jaw almost dropped. "You gotta be shitting me." I scowled. Glozelle, Sopespian, and the other lords marched forward with their huge infantry. I looked around and watched as Caspian lifted his sword.

Gryphons flew into the sky, joining my friends, with Dwarves in their grasps. Most of the Dwarves held bows and arrows, shooting down the enemy from the sky. I watched as Harry and Hermione continued to cast spells at a ballista near them.

I gaped as Hermione narrowly missed an arrow shot at her. Blinking rapidly, I turned back to the battle and fought my way to Peter. Just as I reached him, he lifted Rhindon and shouted, "Back to the How!" We locked gazes and I ran to the tomb, shouting, "Back to the How!"

Happily, I watched as almost everyone ran towards the How at our command. I guess they finally learned to listen. Just as we made it to the entrance, a chain of boulders came crashing down, one after another. They smashed into the stone above the entrance and the rock fell.

"STOP!" I shouted to a couple of soldiers who were in front of the entrance. Unfortunately, they were buried underneath the debris. Peter and Caspian stood next to me as we watched the archers. Boulders came at them and uprooted a tree.

My eyes widened as the rock beneath Susan's feet crumbled. She slipped off the edge, grabbing Trumpkin's hand. Caspian and Peter shared worried looks. I bit my lip as Susan cried out, falling to the ledge beneath.

As she stood up, it was obvious she was okay. I Changed into an eagle and carried her down to where Peter and Caspian were. As I Changed back, Edmund ran up to us and dropped a crossbow, pulling out his sword. Susan drew an arrow and nocked it into her bow.

I gripped Fortis and the other sword, surveying the war scene in front of us. Judging by Peter's face, I knew what the new plan was. Kill as many as you can before you can die yourself. Peter jogged forward, leading us once more. I slowed my pace to be respectful, although I could've outran him at the pace he was going.

I jumped off the square and kicked a man down, slicing with Fortis. As I continued to fall soldiers, I noticed that Peter, Caspian, and Edmund were using two swords as well. Double the killing, I guess. And that is exactly what I did. Kill. Kill. Kill.


I was admittedly getting tired. As I fought soldier after soldier, I was starting to get exhausted. Please come soon, Aslan. We need your help. I noticed proudly that my friends had destroyed two out of the seven ballistas, all the trebuchets, and two catapults.

Flawed *EDITING* (Chronicles of Narnia & Harry Potter Crossover) (PeterxOC)Where stories live. Discover now