25- Slughorn's Christmas Party

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Chapter Inspiration:

- You're Not Sorry ~ Taylor Swift

The entire Gryffindor House was in the common room, celebrating our victory against the Slytherins. I grabbed a Butterbeer and stood to the side. I smiled as Eva walked over with a Butterbeer of her own. "Was a great game, wasn't it?" I asked, taking a sip.

She nodded and watched Ron, who was standing at the center of the celebration. "Ron is a really good Keeper. Why did he look so nervous this morning?" I chuckled. "Oh he was dreadfully nervous, until Harry got him into a good mood."

Eva was about to say something, but was cut off by the calling of her best friend Erin. She looked over at me and then back at Erin. "Go have fun! It's a party." I encouraged her. She smiled and ran off. "That was nice." Harry commented from behind me.

I smiled and took a sip of my drink. We watched as the crowd started to chant, "Weasley! Weasley! Weasley!" Hermione walked up and joined our little group. "Ron seems to be enjoying himself." Harry nodded in agreement. "Yep. Apparently it’s his lucky day."

I snickered at his comment while Hermione gave him a look. "You shouldn’t have done it, Harry." "Yeah. I suppose I could’ve just used, I dunno…a Confundus Charm?" I jerked my head and looked at a caught Hermione. I knew she was muttering something. I should've guessed it was her.

"That was different. It was tryouts. This was an actual match–" Harry cut her off by displaying us the vial. The bottle was still full. "You didn’t put it in?" He shook his head. "Ron only thought you did?"

Suddenly, the crowd's commotion grew louder. We turned to see Ron and Lavender snogging in front of everyone. Lovely. I turned to see Hermione slip into the crowd, looking quite upset. Harry went after her, leaving me alone. Thanks a lot guys.

"Why are you standing allll alone?" A familiar voice asked. I turned to see Seamus standing against the wall with a Butterbeer in hand. I cocked my head and realized he was slightly drunk. "Seamus, what have you been drinking?"

He frowned. "Butterbeer. What elsse?" I gently took his bottle from his hand and sniffed it. There was definitely something in this that wasn't Butterbeer. "I think your drink's been spiked. Come on, we should get you to bed."

He stumbled after me until I helped him up to his dorm. As I opened the door, I spotted Neville reading a book in his bed. He frowned when he saw us. "I wondered where you were." I smiled at him, helping Seamus to his bed.

"What's up with Seamus?" He asked me. Seamus fell onto the bed and started to get comfy. "I think his drink's been spiked. Butterbeer doesn't have that much alcohol, unless he's had like ten." He frowned and nodded. "I'll watch 'im." He reassured me. I smiled and thanked him, walking back to my own room.


I was in the library the next night, the eve of Slughorn's Christmas Party, with Harry and Hermione, who were talking about the party and Ron. "He’s at perfect liberty to kiss whomever he likes. I really couldn’t care less. Was I under the impression that he and I would be attending Slughorn’s Christmas party together? Yes. Of course, now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements." I cocked an eyebrow from my seat. Harry and I both knew perfectly well that she did care and a lot.

"Have you?" He asked her, fighting a smirk. "Yes. Why?" "I just thought, you know, since neither one of us can take who we’d really like…maybe we’d go together. As friends." Hermione stopped putting books back and looked like she wanted to smack herself. "Why didn’t I think of that?"

Flawed *EDITING* (Chronicles of Narnia & Harry Potter Crossover) (PeterxOC)Where stories live. Discover now