60- On the Run

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Chapter Inspiration:

- Ready to Run ~ Dixie Chicks

- Laura Palmer ~ Bastille

- Kingdom Come ~ The Civil Wars (Submitted by coolcat1002)

For the next few weeks, my days went like this; I was woken up by Sebastian from my "room". Complete and utter bullshit to be honest. My room was pretty much a ten by twenty cell. Seb argued that the cells were smaller and not as comfortable. I usually argued back that I've been in jail before and it was similar.

From then till six, I trained the troops while Sebastian made sure that they were "learning". Caspian came by with the troops as well, surprisingly. He liked to train with us, claiming that he needed to waste time. Of course, I thought Caspian was one of two bearable Telmarines so I didn't mind.

We'd break and then I was sent back to my cell. When I was sure no one would come looking for me, I somehow, thanks to Aslan, went back to Hogwarts, exiting through the Room of Requirement. When this happened I would usually stay with everyone until morning, doing wizardy things.

Just kidding. Usually I had to help clean Hogwarts up, for it needed serious repairs before it went back to being a school. At the crack of dawn, I would get up before anyone and head back to Narnia using the Room. The time threw me off a lot, but I got into a pattern after a few days. My hunch was that for the time being, the Room was a portal for me to Narnia. I've been in the Room hundreds of times, I mean I slept in a form of the place for over half of Seventh Year.

Anyway, now was one of those times that I was by myself in my cell. I wasn't in the mood to go back because everyone was becoming suspicious why I was visiting the Room a lot. For tonight, I decided to sleep on the cot set out for me.

For some reason I couldn't sleep well. I tossed and turned until something popped into my head. I saw Lady Prunaprismia moaning and groaning in her bed with maids and servants bustling about. The image jumped a few minutes and showed her holding a baby.

Miraz and Glozelle, Miraz's general, showed up next, staring at the full moon in the sky. "You have a son." Glozelle informed. The lord let out a sigh of relief. "You know what to do, General Glozelle." Miraz drawled out, sounding awfully like the antagonist of a James Bond movie.

Glozelle and armed men stood in a bedroom. Caspian's. They started firing arrows with crossbows, at the four poster bed. More images of Glozelle and Miraz talking came in blurry sequences. Glozelle drew out a dagger in the next one, unlocking the door to a room. Mine. The scene panned out so I could see two men with him holding weapons and handcuffs.

"They will hurt you, Laurel. Warn Cornelius. Run. Run." A voice echoed. Aslan's face appeared in darkness before disappearing as fast as it came. I shot up on the cot, sweating and panting. Aslan was warning me of Miraz and his men. They were going to kill Caspian for his throne. Prunaprismia was going to give birth to a son.

"So Miraz will have an heir." I realized in horror, shoving the covers off and gathering my stuff. I threw on actual clothes and stuffed most of my things back into my bag. With Fortis strapped to my waist and my bow, quiver, and cloak on my back, I clenched my bag as I turned the knob of the door. It was locked. "Dammit! This is not appreciated right now!" I swore quietly, drawing out my wand. "Alohomora."

The door clicked open and I hid my wand in my boot. I peeked into the hallway to find it all clear. Good, this makes my life easier. I snuck into the kitchen and filled up my water skin along with a stash of food. Next stop, the library.

Most nights that I know of, Doctor Cornelius tended to sleep in the library. Why, don't ask me. I quietly opened the door and poked my head in. To my surprise, he was up and reading a book by candlelight. It had to have been around three a.m. I cleared my throat quietly, startling him.

Flawed *EDITING* (Chronicles of Narnia & Harry Potter Crossover) (PeterxOC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora