59- Prince Caspian

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Chapter Inspiration:

- I Can Love You Better ~ Dixie Chicks

I stumbled and leaned against a nearby table for stability. 2303?! I took a shaky breath. "You're telling me...that it's been roughly 1300 years since the Siege of Cair Paravel?" Sebastian nodded grimly just as 'Lord' walked in.

He rudely excused Sebastian and closed the door behind him. I would be lying if I didn't say that I gulp. Although the pressure of Sebastian's sword wasn't there, I could feel the ghost of it. 'Lord' turned and observed me.

"What are you doing here?" he spat. I didn't flinch. Something was off about him to me since I first looked at him. "Like I have any idea. Like I expected to come home to strangers ruling my home who have no right to. Like I expected to discover that you killed off my people. Like I expected to be greeted with a sword at my neck." My voice was scathing.

He snarled at me. "You're lucky that I'm not going to kill you. I could've have Sebastian slice your throat right then and there in the courtyard. No, because I'm a generous person. And I believe in second chances."

I glowered at 'Lord'. "What do you want?" He paced the room, obviously thinking over his proposition. "You are going to train the new recruits to be as good as you are in sword fighting." I laughed instantly.

Seriously? I had to train the little newbies? "No. There's no way that they'll ever be even as close to as good as me. No one, not even the kings, have or are." I told him, chuckling. He drew out dagger and held it to my neck. I bit back a wince as blood trickled down my neck. "You are going to train them. Or I will not hesitate to kill you."

I crossed my arms and watched him. If I say yes, I can gather information. If I say no, then I'm a goner. Gee, that's a hard decision. "Fine. I'll do it, but I'd prefer if I didn't live in the dungeons." I told 'Lord' in a hard tone.

He smiled triumphantly. "You start in two hours. I better not be disappointed." He strode out of the room, leaving me to silence. Wow. I am in the Telmarine castle, alone, and not awaiting death. At least for now. To my surprise, Sebastian walked back in, grinning.

"Congratulations, you are now working for the castle. It's an honor, you should be pleased." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Thanks, why are you here?" He smirked at me. "I am your official guard for now. I'm supposed to keep an eye on you 24/7."

I scowled and sat on a rather comfy sofa, stretching out on it. "Brilliant. Lord Generous over there has given me a stalker. At least your not a stranger, oh wait, all of you are strangers. Not to mention invaders." I yawned, hinting my specialty sarcasm in there.

Sebastian scowled back and sat down on the sofa across from me. "Hey, you could've gotten assigned someone who wanted to...you know..." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Seriously? You thought that one of the more disgusting men of your kind would've tried to have sex with me?"

He nodded sheepishly. I stared at him for a moment before busting out a loud laugh. Sebastian watched me with an uncomfortable gaze as I continued to laugh. Even as my laughter started to subside, I was still shaking.

"I cannot believe you thought that. Trust me, some of your men from 1300 years ago were stupid enough to try it. They didn't get further then invading my personal space." Sebastian stared at me in awe. "Do I want to know what you did to them?" I smiled dreamily, remembering how I bruised them beautifully. Another memory from those times popped into my head, sending horrible chills down my back.

I nodded to something a Calormene soldier named Alimash had said to me. Sipping a cup of Narnian wine, I surveyed the party that was being held in the Calormenes' honor because we were negotiating a treaty with them. Two glorious weeks of hell.

Flawed *EDITING* (Chronicles of Narnia & Harry Potter Crossover) (PeterxOC)Where stories live. Discover now