42- Unexpected Leaving

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Okay, I am really bored again and I cannot fight the urge to post this anymore. Enjoy! :)

Chapter Inspiration:

- Take Me Home, Country Roads ~ John Denver

- I'm Coming Home ~ Skylar Grey

A Year Later

I huffed and brushed a lock of hair behind my ear. Today Peter was forcing me to join a luncheon with him and his siblings. Although things like this have been going on ever since we won the Ettinsmoor War and Peter lost interest in Maren, this one felt different.

Like something was going to happen. When I poked my head into the hallway, I yelped, seeing Peter an inch away from my face. I pulled back and ran, hopefully shutting the door behind me. Unfortunately, Peter caught the door with his foot and went after me.

I was sitting on the ledge of my balcony when I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. My shoulder then felt warm and tingly, the outcome that only comes from Peter's touch. "Do you always sit on the railing like this?" He asked, chuckling. I shrugged and looked out at the beach. "It may not be ladylike, but I'm a General of War. That's not ladylike either."

He raised his eyebrows, amused. "Really? That's your argument?" I bit my lip to stop a smile from coming on my face. His warm hand push my hair behind my ear. I shivered in delight and looked at him. Peter, now thirty-one, leaned against the railing, observing my face. "What is it?" I asked quietly, turning back to the beach. "You're saying one thing with your mouth, but another with your body language. The question is, which is how you're really feeling?"

I wanted to tell him. I wanted more than anything to tell him about me. How I was a witch, how much I wanted him. But my brain, or maybe my logic, told me that I'd be putting myself in danger. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "Tell me the truth."

His hot breath fanned my face, making me feel dizzy. He's being a friend. My posture went rigid. He noticed and sadly backed up. "You're siblings will be wondering where you are." I told him quietly. Peter scowled deeply at me. "You're coming with me. That's an order." I glared at him, but hopped down from the balcony and went to my room, grabbing Fortis. He opened the door for me, but I stood there, waiting for him to go.

"You're the High King." I blinked. He gave me an exasperated look. "And you're a woman. Now let's cut the obvious observations and get moving." I sighed and walked through the door, leaving Peter running to catch up.


I stared at my tea that sat in front of me. We were sat in the newly planted apple grove with the sun baking the fresh earth nearby. Although the smell and sounds of nature were calming, the royals were talking about some political topic that I had no interest in. When asked for my opinion, I just elaborated on something one of the siblings said.

It was obvious that I was uncomfortable being with them, but no one dared to question Peter, who was insistent that I was to be with them. Mr. Beaver, who I hadn't seen in a while, came running up and bowed to the Kings and Queens.

"Your Majesties, I've just go' word tha' the White Stag was spotted in the Western Wood." he reported. They jumped up abruptly, almost knocking my tea over. I smiled at the Beaver. The way he talked reminded me of Hagrid.

"General, would you mind watching the castle while we're gone?" Susan asked. I nodded my head. "Of course." Edmund furrowed his brow. "Why don't you girls stay at the castle. I'll get the Stag myself." Lucy and Susan scoffed and got up anyway. "I'll look over the castle. Tumnus will help of course." I offered, brushing cake crumbs off my pants. Peter offered me a grin. "That would be greatly appreciated, my lady."

I wrinkled my nose. "My King, we've been over this. I despise the title of lady." He snorted. "I'll call you what you wish when you call me Peter." My eyes narrowed at him, making him and his siblings chuckle. I watched them as they walked to the stables for their hunting trip.


I was getting extremely nervous. The Pevensies haven't been seen in two days. I knew that the White Stag was extremely hard to catch, but I was afraid that something had happened to them. They can handle themselves. I'm sure they'll be back soon.

Today I had a free day from training, so I decided to take a walk. Somehow I found myself wandering through the apple grove. I saw a good apple hanging above my head and plucked it off, enjoying the sweet taste that only comes from Narnian apples.

What I saw next worried me immensely. I watched as four horses, one of them Phillip, came towards me. I bolted down the grassy hill and stood where Phillip could see me. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that Phillip was Edmund's best friend. I also knew for a fact that that was him whom Ed was riding for the hunting trip.

"What happened?" I whispered, tears threatening to spill. The Horse sighed deeply and shook his head. "We were tailing the White Stag, when I started to get tired. King Edmund let me slow down. The other three came back and stopped too. They all dismounted and stared at the Lamp-post."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You were in Lantern Waste?" The Horse bobbed his head. "Yes. Then they started to talk nonsense to each other. Something about dreams. Then Queen Lucy started to go towards the trees. I called after them, but they never appeared."

A tear trickled down my face. "No. This can't be happening." I gave my apple to Phillip and ran. Please don't be there. Please don't be there. I moved the brick wall and ran down the steps of the Treasury. I could see through their chests through the iron gates.

When I pushed them open and ran forward, I went to Peter's, for his would be easiest to judge. When I opened it up, more tears ran down my face. Inside, Rhindon laid on top. Shutting the lid, I sunk down against it and cried.

They had gone back to England. What was I supposed to tell the entire country of Narnia? That their Kings and Queens had left by accident? Or did they go back on purpose? Standing up, I went back out and searched for Tumnus.

When I found him and pulled him aside, he gave me a concerned look. "General, what's wrong?" I sniffled and said hoarsely, "They're gone. The Kings and Queens went back home." His eyes widened. "What do we do?" I asked him tearfully.

He put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "It's going be alright." I wiped some tears and said, "No it won't! How in the name of Aslan are we going to tell the entire country that they're leaders are gone?" Tumnus blew his cheeks out and thought.

"I don't know. But just pray to Aslan that things will be alright." I nodded and walked back to my room. Undoing Fortis's strap, I tossed my sword on my bed and examined my face in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red, taking the attention away from my tear-stained cheeks.

I sat down on the stool, only to try and sit on air. I closed my eyes and waited for my butt to hit the cool, white marble. But what I hit was not marble. It was in fact smooth wood. I opened my eyes and blinked. The first thing that popped into my head was that I was clad in the weirdest clothing.

Black and white shoes, blue, rough material for pants, a soft purple shirt, and a green jacket. I frowned and looked at my arms where my gauntlets should've been. My wand was hidden in my jacket, too. As I stood up, I realized that I wasn't in my room in Narnia anymore.

I was back at Hogwarts.

Flawed *EDITING* (Chronicles of Narnia & Harry Potter Crossover) (PeterxOC)Where stories live. Discover now