No way out now

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  I had to go back to the enchanted forest, it's the only place where I would find any answers. The sense of adventure was killing me inside, I had to go back right away.

  I had to go alone, I need to do this by myself! I shook Rosabella awake as fast as I could. "Hey! I need my Royal sleep! It's 5:30 in the morning!!!" She was angry, like evil queen angry but when she saw my concerned face her expression softened.

  "What's wrong Darling? Is everything alright?" She too shared a look of concern now. I shake my head, "no, I'm in deep trouble. And I need your help. There is no time to explain, but I need you to cover for me. Can you do that?" She looked confused.

"Cover for you? Please tell me what's going on, I'm your friend, I'm here for you." She wanted the full story but I just couldn't tell her, she wouldn't understand, not now. "Just trust me, I know you are here for me, that's why I came to you. Let's just say my destiny is in danger and my secret is on the verge of being told to everyone at the school."

She pulls me in a hug, which I desperately needed. "I will cover for you as long as you need, it means a lot that you came to me. And we will get through this ok?" I nod in return.

  "Do me a favor and keep Chase away from me for now. I need to do this alone." She released me immediately and squealed.

"Wait......are you and Chase a thing now?!!!!!!" I smile and laugh. "That's a story for another time" she frowns,"aww man, you better tell me everything when you return, I want to know all the details!" I smile at her one last time, and before I know it, I'm gone.

  I've never really skipped class before, I mean it's forbidden, but I couldn't go to class, not until everything was fixed. Walking out the school entrance this early was weird to me, and I almost turned around and headed back but the thirst for adventure and the fear in my gut kept me going.

  The forest sparkled with life by the illuminating sun, and for the first time in a while, I felt wild and free. Not a care in the world. Butterflies flew by a rainbow of colors, flowers bloomed big and proud, animals prounced around, the grass swaying in the gentle breeze, just magical. 

  But I couldn't get distracted, not now. As I approached my secret spot, someone grabbed me. I struggled to get free from their grasp. Who was it? Were they going to hurt me? Are they the one after my destiny? There was no way out now.

  I know I know another short chapter but I think ending it here leaves you on a cliff hanger. Next chapter coming really soon!

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