A note for me?

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I returned to my dorm, to change for my next class, something on my pillow caught my eye. A piece of paper rolled up perfectly was nestled between my pillows. I was confused but curious to see what it was about. I hold it in my hands and unravel it.

  Dear darling,
   I just wanted to tell you how I feel because it's hard for me to just say it to you whenever I'm around you. So here we go, take in a deep breath, ok. I like you, you are so kind and definitely different and I like that. You make me so happy all the time and it's hard for me to stay away. I did it! I said it! Well good bye for now.

   There was no name signed on the paper, but I had a feeling who wrote it., Chase. It had to be him, who else would write a letter to me like that.

  I was filled with happiness and I couldn't help but blush. Someone actually liked me! As I day dreamed for what seemed like forever, I glanced at the clock, oh hocus pocus, I'm late!

I grabbed my books and ran to my next class, I was in so much trouble! When I entered the room I was yelled by the teacher. "Miss Charming, you are late! I will see you after class." Everyone looked at me, some even giggled. I slouched in my chair, the only thing that would make me happy was going in my knight suite.

  I couldn't wait for class to be over, I just needed some time alone. I went back to the enchanted forest and threw on my armor. As I was getting my helmet on, someone came up behind me. My secret was gone. I turned around to see Rosabella, I was kinda hoping it was Chase, I wanted to talk to him about the note.

  "Darling? Your the knight? Huh? I thought it was Daring! Why didn't you tell me?!" She demanded an answer but now was not the time.

"The silence treatment? I thought we were friends!" She wiped some tears and ran away. "Wait! You don't understand!" I yelled after her. When she disappeared from sight I sat up against a tree and just cried. I didn't think keeping this secret would hurt my friends. I just wanted to run away, but I knew I couldn't.

  I stopped immediately and ran to ever after high, what if Rosabella told everyone my secret! I needed to stop her and make things right between us.

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