Not knight-like

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I rush back to the school, I feel sick inside. Poor Rosabella, if only she understood. I keep running as my mind goes crazy. Of course I'm stopped by Chase. Now wasn't the time.

  "Hey! Haven't seen you lately." He smirks. I roll my eyes at him, " got to go!" And I push past him. There's no sign of Rosabella. I look everywhere,......except for the most obvious place,.......our dorm!

  I swing the door open and reveal Rosabella on her bed. She has been crying, her face is red. She scorns at me. I sigh in return. I fight back tears as I sit on my bed, right across from hers. She scoots farther away as if I'm right next to her.

  " Rosa.......R......Rosabella, I'm so sorry. You need to understand why I didn't tell you! Just listen! Yes, I'm the knight and I didn't tell you because I was afraid of how others would feel. I just feel like myself in my armor. It wasn't very knight like of me to treat you that way. I should of told you, you're my best friend. But promise me you won't tell anyone else." I say as she starts to smile.

  She walks over and joins me on my bed. "It's ok, I think it's fairy tastic that you are a knight! Always be yourself! I should be apologizing, I shouldn't of acted that way." She winks at me and we hug. As I open the door a glimpse of a figure ran down the hall. Faybelle?!What if she heard me secret?! She would surely tell everyone! What would I do? Should I just tell everyone my secret? What will happen to me if I do?

I run after her but she beats me. I sit on one of the steps with my hands over my face. I couldn't hold it together any longer. No matter what happens, there will be a bad outcome. I was probably to late.

  A hand on my shoulder makes me jump. I knew who it was. Chase.

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