VII. Blue

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(Rebecca's POV)

I take a deep breath before knocking on the door.
Now that I think about that, that was very idiotic of me, it's not like I'm going to get an answer.
I exhale and slowly open the door the the infirmary.
....'what? He's not here....where did he go? Should he be out of bed?!'
I run out of the door and down the hall. "Where did he go?! Ahh shit! I lost him!" I push and shove my way past people my blue dyed hair flowing behind me.

I run to the doors of the mess hall and open them slowly, peering my head through. It's almost completely empty, only a few of the staff, still cleaning up from lunch that was about half an hour ago.
I step away and close the door slowly. I turn around and inhale before sprinting back down the hall, creating a sudden burst of wind and runs out the doors and too the garden. I sigh in relief. There he was, sitting on an old wooden swing under a peach tree.

He was talking to Chaos, with a light blush and smacked his arm as Chaos laughed loudly. I walked over and pulled my hair into a loose bun on top of my head. I bow my head lightly, "Lord Perseus, Lord Chaos," I notice Percy blushed tho I'm not sure why so I choose to ignore it. " I apologize for intruding, but we were supposed to have a retry Introduction for Lord Perseus today. I was to come and bring him to his room and assist him in getting ready. Also to make sure there are no other problems, with anything..."

"Ahh yes of course, Percy/ are you okay with that?" he nods, looking down. "All right then, Oh and Percy?" he looks up a Chaos. " Here." He hands him a notebook and pen. He nods. "Good luck kiddos, and Percy it'll be okay you'll-" we were too far away.  I look at percy As we walked back into the building, he looks so cute and adorable, and....broken as mind drifts back to the blush on percy's face. He looked so cute! just thinking about it makes me blush.
I shake head to rid myself of these thoughts....but....I can't help....but wonder what they were "talking" about before I came......

(UNDER EDITING) The One Who Never Speaks- a Percy Jackson Betrayed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now